Thursday, January 10, 2013

This probably won't be nearly as entertaining for you...


Apparently, people like a good rant. My last post almost broke my one day page hit record set way back when I won Lo's contest to design her blog banner. 25 comments on one post is a record for this blog, though admittedly not all of them were serious comments...

So sorry to let you folks down, but as you can see, all that I have this time around are the WIP  pics of my WHFB watchtower.

WHFB is at about the bottom of my gaming priority list, which explains why I'm painting terrain for it, right?


I still have yet to add the battlements to the top level as they will need to be painted before assembly which will be far easier than painting them after its been assembled.  As such the roof piece is not yet glued in place. Plus there are the gubbins to add, though I'm not going to overboard and add all of them like the picture on the box. GW knows how to over do it, that's for sure. Sometimes simpler is better, especially in poor and impoverished Stirland.

One bit of flourish that I did add however was to the roof/floor. I just made a stencil, much like i did with my stolen Space Wolves Rhino, only just one color this time. When painting the green onto the roof which was primed brown, I opted not to fully cover the primer to give it a more worn look, and then did the same with the yellow over that.

The 'L' signifies that this tower is part of Leichburg's defense cordon. True, only the watchtower garrison and whatever monster swoops down to rain a fiery death upon them will see it, but it looks pretty good in my book.


  1. Now all it's missing is the Ye Ol' Bell O' Taco sign. :)

  2. Hmmm...I find that to be abrasive, and off putting.


  3. ...and I was thinking McDonnalds with the Red and Yellow. :) I like the way the roof came out, so much so that if it were mine I would've seriously considered painting over the red with the green. It would tighten up the whole piece I think. Just my $.02, otherwise I think it is looking nice!

  4. Well, I was going more for the look of brickwork, which is why several are of varying colors. I am pondering of repainting those at the bottom to look more like stonework though.

  5. It's looking good overall I think. I agree with Neverness though, I like that green a lot better than the reds. My question though, is there going to be a Rent A Wreck hitching post to borrow nags from to get to and from the market?


  6. First I saw a building made of Legos and then I saw a big cake.

    I agree on the McDonald's idea, but more like McOrkald's. Place a picture of Ronald waiving through the window.

  7. @Kushial: There are two rings mounted on the sides for just that purpose I believe...

    @Hive Angel, Naming as such would have the witch hunters burning the garrison at the stake.
