Tuesday, August 30, 2022

30k Blood Angel Artificer Sergeant


I'm getting a serious McDonald's vibe from this guy...

Well, this was an experiment to which I'm giving the result a solid 'meh'. 

In my past experience with 30k, prettymuch every squad sergeant (termies aside) has Artificer Armor in hopes of surviving a challenge for more than 2 seconds. Usually this is paid for in the army list but isn't actually represented on the model. Indeed, how many times is a sergeant put back and exchanged for another marine once it's been realized that the sergeant was accidentally removed as a casualty?

So, what to do? 

Whilst the 9th Legion isn't as vain glorious as their Emperor's Children brethren, it's likely that that bionic arm has glass-ceilinged this guy at the sergeant level of command.

I decided to try and paint most of his armor gold, allowing him to stand apart from his subordinates in his golden arches artificer armor! Hrmm, perhaps I ought to have painted all of his armor gold. Am contemplating that for the Praetor though I'm a bit wary of doing so after this guy. 

Curiously, on the charge his squad will wound on a 2+ thanks to their bayonets, whereas he will only wound on a 3+ with his chainsword (though he will get a reroll due to 'shred').

He does stand out from the...um, crowd. Or rather he will once I finish painting his squad.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

My Inquisitorial Retinue is done!


But who's retinue are they?

With these four, I'm calling my participation in this year's Inquisitorial Conclave complete. Originally, these guys were to be Inquisitor Tibadaux's retinue of liberated miners. However, with one guy sleeveless, and the other in short sleeves, they don't much look the part of cold weather-equipped warriors. 

Likewise, their motley assortment of kit, and the color variations thereof don't fit well with Inquisitor Vinderthoff's immaculate tastes in attire. As such, they'll instead go to my most frequently fielded Inquisitor, Othias (he had yet to be named at the time of that post). 

In a group chat of my gaming friends, somebody recently suggested putting Smurf bitz matching my army as basing decoration as a way of mockery. Little did they know I had already done just that!

Vinderthoff  meanwhile will await the soon to be rereleased Eucidian Starstriders (just the lasgun toting grunts...and maybe the dog) from RTKT, whereas Tibadaux will get...I don't know, something. Until I figure out what, her Rhino can wait. 

The decal-turned-tattoo worked out nicely I think. 

Monday, August 15, 2022

Do NOT make fun of his golden cod piece!

[Insert Cyclonic torpedo joke here]

Many a cornered rogue psyker, sorcerer/ess and warlock has no doubt had the same thought:

'Is he really a soulless ginger, or is that just dye?'

Whilst you may know this miniature as Janus Draik, of Blackstone Fortress fame (it took me about 10 minutes of googling to recall what his actual name was, and from which game system he came), in my collection he is known as Inquisitor Vinderthoff. Or more formally: Ordo Malleus Inquisitor Wezley Sharlz Vinderthoff the III

His archeotech laspistol has a strength of 4 because Inquisition.

With such a grandiose name he no doubt comes from humble origins wouldn't you say? Clearly not. Indeed, he has not only come from the highest levels of Imperial society, but still quite enjoys it or so it would seem. Like so many things with the inquisition though, his origin story is shrouded in mystery...

You have to wonder: Is that his former faithful companion draped across his shoulders? Or was it someone else's?


'YOU IDIOTS! Get the hell out of the way so I can shoot!'

I did manage to get a game in this past weekend vs. Neverness. Be sure to keep an eye out for his forthcoming battle report. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

Tossing the Tau Zerg swarm into the meat grinder once more...


My Hogzilaries valiantly taking the objective!

We got in a sorta game last weekend. The usual four player free-for-all, though we ought to have played a 2v2 game given the late start. But whatever, here's a few pics in lieu of a proper battle report as we only managed 2 turns and I only took a handful. 

See, Zerg swarm. Just like I said. Not pictured is my newly purchased, fully painted Forgeworld Remora drone. Turn 1 it strafed Rob's Thousand Sons, surprisingly killing two due to atrocious rolls on his part. I had hoped to wing over and do the same to Mike's Deathwing who would no doubt blow it out of the sky, BUT...Rob had psykers. So instead it died to psychic mortal wound Spam, because that's apparently all his psykers do.

For whatever reason, the first two turns of every game, the Swine invariably advance 10-12" per turn.

Cameron, a Necromunda veteran who crossed the Rubicon divide. Not only he was fielding a fully painted Smurf army, but a slightly off color one that perfectly matched his hoodie (totally not planned, or so he insisted...). Cameron, Neverness and I ought to team up for a Smurfs vs everybody game!

Not only were my Swine the first to reach the central objective in turn two, but they even wounded a Thousand Son with a shotgun blast to the back! The T-Sons had been teleported across the board by one of Rob's psykers, which is what brought them (barely) into range.

The only glimpse I have of Mike's Deathwing in my pics. 

That shotgun wound was not appreciated, and the Hogzilaries were incinerated into bacon in short order. Here we see the Muppets who are about to suffer the same fate.  

Perhaps it was a good thing that we only played 2 turns, as I had already taken 30-40 casualties! That's not a sustainable number of losses if one intends to reach the end of turn 5! 

That said, the highlight of the game for me was when my Breachers vaporized a unit of Smurf Aggressors in one volley, though not before the fuckers had already wiped out 2 units of my own!

Doubt I'll make it to game night this week though, so will have to entertain you with painted minis next week I guess.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Filling out the officer corps...

...not for any of the same factions mind you. 

This is kindova shotgun blast of random post covering the various army, or rather 'contingent' commanders that I've painted here of late. As you can see in the pic above, two are for Imperial loyalist factions. One is...debatable, capable of being used as either a loyalist Imperial or traitor astartes Lt. depending on whomever their allies are on that given day. Whereas the Cavalry officer in the back is definitely a traitor (loyalist IG don't enter battle half-naked).

First up: Buccaneer Captain Tharkins. 

I hate this guy's face. I painted it three times before giving up. I still think it looks kinda meh.

Clearly Tharkins doesn't see much combat, or rather maybe just PT. 

Guardsmen of the Buccaneer (pronounced: Byoocaneer) Battalions (their home world is too sparsely populated to offer up whole regiments for Imperial Guard tithing requirements) have a perpetual chip on their shoulders. Mainly as every 'off-worlder' who reads their regimental name, pronounces it as anyone logically would: BUCKaneers. 

No amount of barroom or mess hall brawls will ever change this fact either! Thus, Buccaneer Battalions rarely operate in conjunction with other Guard units, instead often serving as isolated garrison troops and other solitary unit deployments.

Second up we have: Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Tibadaux

Not too fond of how her bald head and face came out either. She might suffer a head swap at some point...

Her [Legends] Null Rod with integral whip. I have a feeling that My Beloved Wolfy would have commandeered this mini as one of hers.

To date, Tibadaux is my only inquisitor based to match my Silver Drakes. Perpetually fighting the Nids, the Drakes would likely be better served by an ordo Xenos inquisitor, though we can surmise that she's just rooting out Genestealer Cultist activity and the like.

For the second year in a row, my principle miniature for the Inquisitorial Conclave hosted by Neverness, Tibadaux was finished almost to the same day as last year's offering! I thought I'd try something a little different with her in that once painted, I 'ard coated all of the black paint on her armor. I'm rather pleased with the result, giving her armor a glossy black, almost patent leather-esque appearance. That combined with the whip gives her a bit of a dominatrix look, don't you agree? 

'Yes Mistress...'

Turning debatably towards treason, we next have my Soul Drinker's Lieutenant Amenadiel.

I LOVE this model!

Armed with a bolt pistol and Goliath Renderizer power maul, he is NOT to be fucked with!

Lieutenant with Imperial Fists successor chapter traits? Check. 

Chaos Exalted Champion with renegade traits (whatever they currently are)? Also check.

I've been debating 'ard coating his skin to give him a glistening with sweat look. Not sure how that would look, though I guess if it sucks I can just matte varnish him again. Also wish that there was a relic that I could give him out of the Marine codex that would befit his massive close combat weapon. Undoubtedly, I'm sure Chaos has something suitable...

Lastly, we have this guy: My Renegade IG (Counts as) Death Rider Squadron Commander 

Somewhere there's a gamer who just looked at this and is now pondering the idea of turning their pet parakeet into a mount for 40k!

I'm thinking that the beak will be a worthy substitute for the hunting lance, whereas the mount's 'savage claws' will apply as normal. 

No idea if that's his piss, slop, or sandcastle building bucket. 

I got this 3D printed mini off of eBay and am quite pleased with it. Didn't like the original head though, so swapped it out for one from the genestealer cult bitz I ordered when I went shopping for Tibadaux's henchmen. This mini alone has made my renegade IG fall under the DKK regimental doctrine. Tis' okay though, they'll provide Zzzzz with the necessary insurgent excuse with which his MASSIVE collection of Guardsmen can use to lay siege to yet another warzone.

Friday, August 5, 2022

The Tau Muppet Auxilaries enter the fray

"Kids, today's letter is "G'. 'G' is for the Greater Good..."

Or rather they would have last weekend, but everyone else bailed ceding whatever planet we would have been fighting for to the Tau Empire with nary a shot fired. 

Scraping for enough points to bring my Dal'yth Tau list up to 1k., I rediscovered these Muppet Auxiliaries (I dropped the 'f' in their name, thus they are simply the: Jaloo) in a recently unearthed box from the move. 

No doubt there are educational PSAs continually scrolling by on their packs' little screens

Like my Hogziliaries, I'll be fielding these critters as another counts as strike team. With downgraded stats of course. Their strength and toughness has been reduced to a 2, though they'll not be doubled out by bolter fire thanks to their guardian drone. Their pistols and smaller carbine-esque guns have been reduced to strength 3, whereas the longer guns are stock Tau Pulse rifles. 

I experimented with this little bot's paint by forgoing primer and applying yellow contrast directly to the bare metal in hopes of making a metallic yellow. However on the finished mini, the 'metallic' torso just looks duller than the head and bottom. Experiment result: FAILURE.

Clearly the Jaloo's antigrav technology isn't as advanced as that of the Tau, meaning it only keeps this top heavy little drone upright, and still needing its little legs to move around. Thus I reduced it's speed to the squad standard of 6", and removed the Fly ability.

These painted up quite easily thanks to the yellow contrast paint. By the time I finish their squad I'll no doubt have painting yellow technique perfected and will be ready to start on my squad of ANGRY MARINES!! Mwuhahaha!

In a fit of stubborn nostalgia, rather than wear appropriate camo as the rest of their allied Tau brethren do, the Jaloo insist on only wearing colors that would blend in on their home worlds (prior to being devoured by the Nids). 

Disappointed by this, the Tau have simply vowed to keep them out of the vanguard so as not to give away any positions. Once battle is joined, Fire Caste commanders are resigned to the obvious conclusion that the Jaloo will inadvertently draw fire due to their ridiculous, brightly colored uniforms. 

Ultimately, it's all For the Greater Good, and thus is accepted.

The entire squad on the workbench.

Monday, August 1, 2022

2022 Inquisitorial Conclave post #1


I had to 'rearm' this mini as the china-cast arms kept breaking during assembly.

Hello folks. It's time for another of Neverness' Inquisitorial Conclaves where bloggers get together and pledge to paint Inquisitors and their assorted cronies and hangers-on for the month. 

This is actually her 3rd set of arms. The 2nd necessitated the removal of her cloak which was unfortunate.

This year's entry for me Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Tibadaux. Orphaned as a child, she was raised in an Adeptus Sororitus convent in hopes of someday achieving the rank of battle sister. Despite excelling in all fields of devotional and martial study, Tibadaux's hopes were dashed when she started to display uncontrollable psychic abilities as she entered puberty.

Tossed in a cell to await the next passing Black Ship, she was rescued from her fate by an Inquisitor who saw use for a half-trained Sister of Battle with psychic talents. 

Her null rod-whip.

Eventually rising to the rank of Inquisitor herself, the irony of a psyker serving an Ordo whose motto is 'BURN THE WITCH!' is not lost on Inquisitor Tibadaux. Indeed, one of her preferred weapons is a null rod (an abhorrent weapon to pyskers) that has been combined with a whip. Accompanying that is her wrist-mounted needle pistol with an integral bayonet.

The partially primed acolyte is the longest surviving member of her retinue. As such he's modified his kit a bit and doesn't look as if he just stepped out of the mines like his compatriots. 

Coming from humble origins herself, she prefers to recruit acolytes from the bottom of Imperial society. Often miners, and industry which weeds out the weak quickly. More hired muscle than anything else, Tibadaux gives these humble souls a chance (and an autogun) to serve the Emperor for a higher purpose for the rest of their (invariably brief) lives. 

The primed acolyte has stripped his kit of the mine specific safety gear (questionable as that stuff is in a grim dark universe), allowing for better movement and flexibility along with a bit of extra ballistic protection. His back up weapon is an axe, whilst the others prefer pistols. He's also upgraded his autogun to have a drum magazine, because having to reload in a firefight is a rookie mistake! 

She hopes that eventually she'll find some who will serve long enough with her to enter inquisitorial training. However, for the time being the mines at least provide an endless recruitment pool. 

At the very least the Inquisitor will be painted this month. Her retinue ought not be hard to accomplish either, and if I'm feeling really ambitious I'll try and finish off her partially painted Rhino too!