Friday, May 24, 2024

Changing directions...


'Oh great, we've just gone from move to another...'

The house is just about all packed up and as of today we are T-9 days from moving to South Carolina. I swung by Screech & Loren's today to pick up mail (they've been renting my grandparents' house), say good bye for now, and to wish them well as they're moving this coming Saturday to Nashville, Tennessee. In just two weeks time we will all go from living 13ish miles apart to about 550+.

He has all the tools needed to turn Xenos into smash burgers!

While I was there he bestowed upon me a squad of mostly still on the sprue assault intercessors. These are the multi-posable models, not the snap-fit models that I currently have. As you can see, three are built, with one being a sergeant armed with an oh so appropriate Salamanders hand flamer and thunder hammer. As this now gives me 20 assault intercessors in total, I'll have a full squad of 10 for each army. 

That said the sergeant above is a bit statically posed (compared to my other assault intercessors), so he might find himself leading a standard intercessor squad instead, we shall see...

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The End of an Era...


Sunset? Or an orbital strike? You decide.

Fear not good readers, this is not the end of this here blog, I shall keep it going for all 5 or 6 of you who still peruse it's meagre offerings. That said, this will indeed be my last post made from this blog's birthplace: the Appalachian Subsector (aka: Tennessee). 

Since my last post, my wife found us a fantastic house in the Charleston, South Carolina burbs which we now have under contract. Damn near everything that has not been sold off on Facebook Marketplace, donated to Habitat for Humanity, or else given to/spoken for by friends and family has instead been boxed up in preparation for the impending move.

This includes virtually all of my hobby stuff. That said, the Black Dragons are still accessible, as are my (non-spray) paints and my hobby tools and brushes (though everything save the Dragons who reside in my game cart are also boxed, except said boxes aren't yet sealed up). 

This guy is the last mini to be assembled prior to the impending move.

Time for gaming though? Doubtful before I move, especially as my allergies feel like they're morphing into an illness of some sort for added inconvenience. Yay. That said, for my Tennessee friends and opponents, I will be back up here for the week of the 4th of July, perhaps sooner depending on whether or not work will have my laptop for working remote ready before the move (fingers crossed). 

As for the Gravis Captain above, he will take the place of the Eradicators' escort as the pretty looking, but damned near useless in my opinion, Apothecary Biologis has redeployed to far off battlefields, never to be seen again (by me). 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Black Dragons Lieutenant


The last thing many a heretic or vile Xenos ever sees.

This guy is my second Lieutenant (or is that just a 2nd Lt.?) for the Dragons. My previous Black Dragon Lt. 'Spike' doesn't work too well with Imperial allies from outside of the chapter (through no fault of his own...). This guy however, will have no issues in that regard. Indeed, when it comes to Primaris Lieutenants, this guy is ubiquitous.

I think the Burning Dragon's blade came out nicely.

You will likely note however that he is not technically 'done'. Currently I cannot finish the base as both the purple sand that I use on my Dragons' bases, and the multi-colored tufts are all packed away and unavailable. 

You can just make out the fifth company 'V' on the thigh armor plate.

Why you ask? Well, Da Long Wayz Dezert Groop is moving...again, and only a mere 2 years after the last move. Not to the next town over this time though. No, we're moving from good ol' Tennessee to the Charleston South Carolina area (the exact location is still to be determined). 

I guess I've painted enough lieutenants now, as the helmet stripes gave me no trouble.

My beautiful wife is recently graduated with a PhD, and...well, there's not many opportunities for one of those around here. As such we're packing up everything in preparation to move. This reason alone explains the paucity of posts that I have had here of late. I probably ought not be painting anything, but sometimes you just need to sit down and relax for a bit.