Friday, November 12, 2010

Fighta-Bomma Konvershun idea...

Photo property of Gamesworkshop, used without permission, blah, blah, blah...

Look at that goofy shape, its gotta turret, its even RED! Maybe have a few Grot Bombs slung under the rear where the dreadnought is supposed to go...

Dis haz Fighta Bomma written all over it!


  1. Lord, you're right. Only the Orks could believe that such an ungainly thing could actually fly... which leads to some interesting questions about the GW modeller's genetic makeup...

  2. Hmmm, I think I have the fighta Bomma stats somewhere, need to see what the weapons options are. I was thinking of leaving off the front ramp (its already impossible aerodynamics obviously aren't an issue) and having a 'Deff Strike Krooz Missile' hanging out of it!

    Assuming of course that it would fit in there...

  3. I almost threw down the gauntlet on my blog last night and challenged someone to make that thing look cool thinking it was impossible but I held back because I just KNEW someone would come up with something.

    Bravo sir!
