Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy Monday...

Nothing starts the day better than the combination of google telling me that the 'auto save' isn't working followed by a browser crash that wipes out my almost finished Monday morning post.


Murl commented he other day that he was thinking of ordering the Heavy Gear Paxton army starter, and so I thought I'd paint another gear. Makes sense really. We only had a general idea of the rules when we stopped playing (damned real life interference) and now several months later we've probably forgotten what little we did understand.

This is a Mauler Bear for my WFPA Highlander squad (Dragoon squad to the rest of the Northerners). I've seen comments on the DP9 forums that point-for-point, the Mauler bear is probably one of, if not the worst gears in the game! The WFPA does use a lot of obsolete equipment though, so I suppose that's fitting.

The twin medium rocket pods are good anti-everything weapons, however they're woefully short ranged and inaccurate. Aside from machine guns, all it had was a light grenade launcher (and both of those are really only good at killing infantry). However the simple upgrade to a heavy grenade launcher seriously improves its threat level as its a fairly long ranged (though still inaccurate) anti-everything gun. Looks like all that I really need is a northern GP squad to flesh out the ranks and my little WFPA force will be complete (I'll put that on my 'to buy' list).

Going back to VOR, here's the last of my Infinity Line Kazak minis. Of the three that I have, I like this one the most. He has kindova 'Hollywood mercenary' look to him. I'm now out of infinity minis to paint so will have to p/u another blister of them as well (and yet again my 'to buy' list grows longer).

I've rather enjoyed these last couple minis. After so many years of playing 40k, its a nice change of pace to not just be painting yet another Space marine or Guardsman. I dunno. I'm wondering just what the future of 40k holds for me. My love of fluffy beer & pretzel lists seem to be getting continually crushed under the current mindset of 'THIS IS GOING TO DESTROY YOU!!!!' I mean, is it really necessary to have every list be either MC spam, Alpha strike, or fielding a Death Star unit (if not several)? Here, this unit will hit & wipe you out without you ever needing to roll a die.

Because that's so much fun right?

Everybody apparently loves that feeling because they all feel the need to field a comparable unit that does the same to their opponent, so everybody can enjoy the feeling of getting your teeth kicked in with no chance of fighting back in every game.

Yaaay, I so want to experience this every game...

Murl commented the other day that due to the 'net list' & tournament mentality that the game seems to be going in that direction whether we like it or not. True perhaps. Dunno, maybe I've outgrown the game or something. I don't really have any urge to sell my minis (various mini purges have left me with the bare bones of what I really like) but I also don't have too much urge to buy 40k stuff or even paint it (as I'm sure readers of this blog have noticed here of late).



  1. I blame the current 40k ruleset, and its push for underpriced marine vehicles (to sell kits) and the escalation of power creep that has caused. I look forward to the next release and hope it addresses some of my major concerns. Like problems with assaults, wound allocation, and the need for Death Star units.

  2. I'll make a deal with you: I'll make your list, you make mine. Seriously. We can edit back n forth until we get things properly WYSIYG, and then, lets do it! Might be more fun than you realize.

    Either one of you possibly available for a short weeknight game this week?

  3. Actually, on the rare occasions that we've played, I've never had any issues with your lists not being any fun to face. (though your eventual 4 battlewagons with deff rollas & a big mek with KFF in the middle is a prime example of the net list mentality).

  4. Maybe, but sometimes I just simply get sick of moving that many orcs all at once...the death rollers were just a, well, "why not?" responce. 'Sides, Orks WOULD take things that are effective at killing, booming and squishing their foes. More for the thrill of it than anything tactical. To say deathrollers are unfluffy seems a bit daft, although KFF in the middle seems to be cheesy...(thanks for the idea! LOL) Hey, I have the distinction of having NEVER used Nob bikers on anyone yet! :)

  5. Saying that orks would ONLY use battle wagons with deff rollas would be as well, however according 'teh interwebz' that's the only way to play orks, and as such those lists are all over the place.

    I've faced it twice, in almost carbon copy lists vs. guys who live approx 200 miles apart. Indeed the only real variation between their armies were their paint schemes.

    Its about as much fun to play against as the equally common mech IG that doesn't move except to grab objectives in the last two turns.
