Friday, March 30, 2012

A little bit of salt, and a whole lot of blasphemy!


So, I've heard & seen a lot of good things involving the salt method of weathering & thought I'd give it a go after perusing this nice little guide on the subject. Now that guide (I would say wisely) suggests you use a 'stunt double' or sacrificial test model to try this out on before using it on whatever you really want to weather in this method. Presently I don't have anything that I'm looking to really use this on, however I did have a Warmahordes Commander Nemo lying around & figured he would work as well as anything. True, the salt technique is I think intended for use more on tanks than infantry, but no matter, I salted the little bastard anyways. I guess I'll see just what sort of a mess I've made of this mini when I get home tonight.

Considering Murl's love of warmahordes & my exceptional dislike of the game, its debatable as to whether I salted the model or Murl's old wounds...

Now, this model is of one of Cygnar's most venerated commanders who I'm sure would NEVER let his armor get rusted in such a manner as I intend. However one of my (many) gripes with Warmahordes is that despite showing all sorts of officers, generals, etc. in the Cygnar fluff book, the same half dozen heroes are @ the helm of every battle (if not more than one in the same battle while maintaining a casual conversation amidst combat). To me, that's just lame. I mean, just what the hell do all of the other officers do? Logistics? Look good for parades?

Given that I'm never going to play the stupid game again anyways, I figured I'll just paint him as someone else. Now, with 40k I'm known for rearranging the letters in a 'counts as' special character's last name to make him better fit into my army. For example Lysander became Captain Sanderly, and Sgt. Telion is instead Sgt. Onteli and so on. Following that example, I have N-E-M-O to work with...hmmm, not many options there. How bout...Moen? Now where have I heard that before?

Moen, moen....oh yeah, Moen, Buy it for looks. Buy it for life.


...and then, the dim light of amusement flickered to life (which is appropriate given Cygnar's love of electricity) and Lt. Moen was born. Behold:

Qualified as much as any other warcaster, Captain Moen never achieved the fame or glory of the more gifted members of his trade. Instead, he simply maintained the line when needed, which was the best his abilites could muster. However in his spare time, Moen was something of a tinkerer who fancied himself to be a great inventor like the famed Sebastian Nemo. Himself aspiring for fame, Moen reasoned that if the battlefield isn’t where that was to be won, then the workshop would have to do instead!

Thus, after many years and much effort, he presented to the local Cygnarian aristocracy what he claimed would revolutionize the realm of Cygnar, the electricly powered water closet! While curiosities were piqued, most present weren’t quite able to muster the enthusiasm that he did while explaining its many perceived virtues. Asking for a volunteer to aid in a demonstration, a Duke from within the audience who had imbibed in a bit too much alcohol stepped forward to give it a try. Beaming with pride, Moen offered the man a sheef of written instructions. However the Duke brushed them aside saying quote:

‘I can turn a handle’.

Drawing the curtain closed, all waited with nervous expectation. Bemused by the contraption, the Duke turned the water closet’s handle mid-stream, resulting in immediate disaster! Perhaps there was a short, or…something similarly bad…

Regardless, to be electrocuted not only with one’s pants down but by way of his manhood was no way for anyone, much less a noble Duke to go! In his subsequent trial, Moen was acquitted of murder, as there were many witnesses present who attested to the Duke’s refusal of instructions on how to use Moen’s device. However he was still found guilty of letting a noble use an improperly tested design.

Demoted to the rank of a mere Lieutenant, Moen was exiled to a far off and obscure outpost on the Khadoran front line. There he would not only be permanently removed from the public’s eye, but the scarcity of 'liquid' water available would (hopefully) deter any further attempts to refine his so-called ‘electric water closet’.

Now, I do make the assumption of the existence of dukes in Cygnar. They are called the 'Iron Kingdoms' after all. To be honest I really don't recall Cygnar's method of government. In the end, while I have no idea how the mini above will turn out, I can at least rest assured in knowing that somewhere Murl and potentially many others are right now staring daggers at their monitors and cursing my very existence!


Edit: After posting this, I switched the local of Moen's exile to the Khadoran front, as it occurred to me that my original idea of him getting sent to the desert, would eliminate any potential for rust on his armor...


  1. I thought you would go with captain omen. Was the first thing thY jumped at me.

    On an unrelated note, you going to Sundays annihilation tournament ?

  2. Yeah, Omen seemed obvious to me too, but Moen sounds funnier by far.

  3. lol, actually 'Omen' never occurred to me till reading the suggestion.

    Yeah, I ought to be @ the tourney with my 13 KPs. Given my preferences for horde armies and/or lots of transports, virtually all of my armies @ that point range have about a dozen KPs (barring the Orks who instead have about double that number).

  4. I know the feeling. Mine and chad have about 11-12 kp. Bob's gk is six -.-

  5. Yeah, the guy who came up with the idea also has GK, so its a little suspect...

  6. We just gotta stomp him I guess.

  7. Yup. I had to work really hard to get down to 12 KP for my dark Eldar... instead of the 20 or so I'd usually be fielding.
