Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spess Mehreenz


So, I was looking around the blogosphere the other day, and saw the list-o-space marines poster again (and why won't GW make a higher resolution of it?). Indeed frontline gamer had a more realistic interpretation of that list...or at least insofar as what you can expect to see on the tabletop.

While its an old poster (meaning the storm Wardens among others aren't listed) I thought I'd tweak it to show those chapters that I've fielded with at least a painted squad over the years, though in most cases it was a whole army (if not several in the case of the Space Wolves). I was tempted to highlight the Red Wolves as well, seeing as how my old home-made chapter the Desert Wolves were based off of them. However I never actually painted any of them red, so I left it shadowed.

One of those highlighted are of course my Auroras. This coming Sunday I'll be attending the Morristown tournament & the Auroras will make their tourney debut. Last time I fielded them vs. Adam's BA, they lost but wracked up an impressive body count. The week following they quite handily beat Screech's SW tourney-test list. That's about as good as I can expect from them, so figured why not. To that end I finished painting two more Auroras:

Painted in recognition of rending a razorback to death, only the 2nd time that's happened for me in all of 5th ed.

NO! This is NOT just a blue Grey Knight, its a librarian...really.

Speaking of the tourney, This poster was sent to me by one of my devoted followers yesterday. At the time Screech wasn't going to attend the tourney, though he has since changed his mind (so this might actually occur). Somewhat amusingly (and unknown to both me & the sender at the time), Screech will be working the end of this week to set up a convention/meeting/something-of-that-sort for the Ronald McDonald House organization.

Yes folks, sometimes timing is everything...

Oh, and on a totally unrelated note, I saw this rant this morning (and I do love a good rant) and it really made me laugh, so I thought I'd link it.


  1. So... you are dressing up Screech as Ronald McDonald again? The first time was funny...

  2. I was thinking of something more like the hamburgler.

  3. Cool Libby, could I see some of your Silver Skulls marines please?

  4. Thanks, but sorry. I sold the Silver Skulls a while back, maybe a year or more ago.

    I still have my Silver Skulls predator as its actually the first model i ever bought for 40k (its been painted a good half dozen times or more). I could post that if you'd like?

  5. For the love of all that is plastic, overpriced, and unholy (thanks Matt Ward) please don't.

  6. My Necrons fear retribution from nothing ! Wait till I get my third monolith for my doomsday monolith formation. Then all will quake in fear. Our solar pulses will blot out the sun.....

  7. Its the Ronald McDonald House Annual St. Patrick's Day fundraiser. I am simply doing the setup; nothing more, nothing less.

    @madival: I don't fear what doesn't leave your deployment zone as my guns can reach you quite easily.

  8. Yes, because we all play apocalypse right? I will not fear the game that I didn't want to play in the first place.

    I wouldn't mind getting a super heavy tank though...

  9. I like the idea of an apocalyptic formation. I may never get to use it, but it still seems awesome. Especially since we don't get any super heavies and I can buy it from packards kinda cheap

  10. Speaking of your necrons, the lack of any mounted troops in your vehicles is bad enough, but why didn't you put ANY of the broadside firing guns on any of your vehicles?

    You take those 'finished' vehicles to a GT & you're liable to get told use can't use them as they're not fully assembled, because contrary to your opinion, they're not.

    Its kinda like claiming LoS from a leman russ's sponsons, when he sponson upgrade wasn't taken.

  11. @madival: I got Monolith control:


  12. Cause I want to paint the broadside turrets. They only shoot straight out sideways anyways. Also, why do I have to have the troops on them ? I don't like the way they look, and I want to paint everything.

  13. I'm going to strip the side armor from my Rhinos and just leave a frame, makes it's it harder to hit and claim true LOS when the side-profile/silhouette is vastly altered.

    So when and where is the tourney? I just got back to town and might be tempted to go check that out...
    What is the criteria for entry?
