Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A few mere mortals and a soul lost to chaos


I'm running a day late after taking a 3-day weekend with the family. My Dad came down for a visit as my grandmother's 80th birthday is tomorrow. Staying at my grandparents' house allows for plenty of painting time. Not all was applied to minis though as on Sunday Dad & I stained their deck. Bleh, what a job that was, as its a 2nd story deck...but enough of that, you guys want to see minis.

First up is an Amethyst wizard who's studies apparently have taken a turn for the worst...
I didn't realize how mutated this guy was till painting him...

I didn't want to paint him in the usual green of Nurgle, so I figured I'd paint him up as a misguided follower of one of the Empire's colleges of magic (and of those, the Amethysts are my favorite). This guy won't however be fighting alongside my Stirlanders but rather my Skaven. In the aftermath of our last Mordhiem game, I rolled a triple 6 on the exploration chart resulting in 'returning a favor'. That gives me one free hired sword for the next game. There aren't many who will deal with Skaven aside from Warlocks. I've used this guy in that capacity before, and as everything else in my Skaven warband is painted, I figured he ought to be as well.

Next up is the standard bearer for my Stirland Swordsmen regiment:

This is a 3rd hand model and unfortunately he leans way forward. The slightest bump sends him into a face plant, so I guess I'll have to magnetize the bases to their (future) movement trays. Its a good thing to do anyways, however this guy makes it a necessity.

...and finally, two more Swordsmen & the first two painted archers:
This brings me to 7 out of 10 Swordsmen painted (and 2 out of 12 Archers). I painted the guy on the left with a blue jacket for no particular reason, just a minor variation. As poor as this army is, these guys are only supposed to be reasonably consistent anyways. Perhaps he's a deserter from thebob489's Nordlanders or just thinks he's fashionable, who knows...


  1. You bring the recent article posted on BOLS to life. 40K is about to change edition and rules and it appears you and I are both winding down. You are going to Fantasy while I went to DDO. We both are taking to Battletech and to great hopes it becomes a regular staple game.

    BOLS article for referenc.


  2. Having so much invested in 40k, 6th ed will have to be a colossal disaster for me to abandon it entirely, and if it is, 5th ed is still just fine.

    That said, I do see myself pairing back the vast array of armies in my collection (again).

  3. I think 6th edition will be in the minds of many for after release. The odd rumors and the scary 2,000 point base game + price increased models = ($$$-long term gamers). I also think 6th edition will have merit especially when it comes to infantry, well at least I hope so. Why scale back some of your armies?

  4. Because I have too much stuff, much of which is rarely if ever used. That and while I haven't painted but a handful of them, the Red Corsairs have killed my want to paint my preexisting CSMs.

  5. Stuff as in general 40K or the whole spectrum? I agree on the no use policy I started doing that with some of my stuff. Never shall I sells me Battletech stuff, all it will go in my tomb along with all my Legos. You are probably in the right direction for the Red Corsairs. I guess pop some heads off the other chaos guys and blend them in with my BAs and nobody will notice, lol.

  6. Kinda the whole spectrum. I'll definitely keep the IG, Orks and Corsairs. I may consolidate the SMs into just one army, dunno.

    All of the unpainted Plague Marines are currently enroute to Australia right now while some other odds & ends are on their way to Wisconsin & Scotland.

  7. Good to hear you will keep your core armies you enjoy, well maybe not the Manticore, lol. How many SM armies do you have? I only knew of the Auroras and the scout boyz.

  8. I have a small, mostly unassembled army of storm wardens. Of course I got them for next to nothing, so odds are they'd sell for much the same.

    Will have to ponder what will be going...

  9. That article on bols was interesting, but I am still gonna play 5th to the end. I enjoy my orks and everything and even while trying to bring fantasy back into the area, 40k orks are still my passion so much so that I wrote a "look at all the f@#ks I give" article about 6th.
