Thursday, June 21, 2012

Stay thirsty my friends...


If any of you have read my Dark Heresy posts you may recall the grandiose exploits of my adept, the (as he says) Living-Saint Boris Sevastopol. Whenever mentioning Boris, I need to also mention his most famous (read that as: over used) one liner:

"I am on the cusp of divinity!"

The model I used for Boris was the overweight Friar Tuck-like model that's carrying a keg from the Bretonnian men-at-arms box (except that he was also armed with a laspistol). While Boris has been on hiatus for quite a while (its a lot of work to act like a delusional, sociopathic & highly paranoid madman) I replaced his model with a Mordheim Witch Hunter. The Witch Hunter mini has a great sword (known as the Blade of Sevastopol) which is about as grandiose as Boris' ego.  As such, the old mini had his laspistol replaced with a shield, and the round base with a square one. Thus he has now returned to the realm of WHFB in the following guise:

He is now fulfilling the role of a Warrior Priest (which in a sense, isn't all that different from his adventures in DH) in my Stirland Army. I painted him in Purple (1) to help him stand out in the crowd of green & yellow & (2) purple, while horribly under used in my armies, is actually my favorite color. Given however his grandiose past life, I didn't want him to just be some unknown schlub by the name of Boris in my Stirland army.  So, while he bears no physical resemblance to the Dos Equis guy, I came up with this for him:

They say he’s the legitimate heir of a Border Prince.
Tilean mercenaries, pay him for their services.
He's cooked the finest meal, the Moot has ever known.
Joseph Bugman seeks his advice on brewing beer…
...and he's slept with more women than every other man in his regiment…combined!

He is...the most interesting man in the Old World!

I always drink, and when I do, I prefer Zan Zigg.
Stay thirsty my friends, stay thirsty...

Delusions & grandeur indeed! I didn't want to use the actual name 'Dos Equis', so I went looking for a German translation of it as the Empire is more or less German themed. Dos Equis translated into English is two (Roman Numeral) XX's, in recognition of the brewery opening it's doors in the 20th century. German translations that I found were either:

Zwei Zehner (2 10's) & Zwanzig (20)

I ran it by Neverness to see what he thought of the idea & he liked the sound of zwanzig better with the slight alteration that I used above.  That said, I'm sorta tempted to instead call it 'Zig Zag' or (to steal the name from the Heavy Gear universe) 'Zagazig' as either way that's probably the closest you'll get to walking in a straight line after drinking a keg of the stuff...


  1. Considering the number of little red armored hostages that I have right now, you may want to watch your words there buddy...
