Wednesday, September 5, 2012

...and now that my weekend is FINALLY over...

...we get back to our regularly scheduled programing. lol.


I hope everyone (here in the US anyways) enjoyed their holiday weekend! I did and even went so far as to extend it on into Tuesday. Not much to report on the hobby front, though there are a few tidbits I suppose.

First up, is Battletech. Unlike my Hell's Horses' Corvis (which deserved paint but didn't get any in recognition of it's glorious actions in combat) Friday night the Hunchback at left did! Though it wasn't so much as spectacular, but rather just it's stubborn refusal to die. I mean really, how does a mech manage to stand back up, when it's right torso, arm and leg are all missing? There wasn't a whole lot left of the center torso or left side at that point either... The Maxim on the other hand, was just a quick and easy paint job.

Yes, he's coping with marriage...
Saturday I ventured into the depths (or rather the in, the very top) of the North Carolina mountains to attend the wedding of Hive Angel and his (now) lovely wife!

Best of luck to the both of them! I also hear that she's taken a liking to the look of the Necrons, so 40k has the potential to be 'quality time' which we all know is every gaming geek's dream!

I ducked out of the reception early, so that I could journey three hours southwest, heading out of and then back into the North Carolina mountains where my family had rented a mountainside cabin for the long weekend. It was a fairly easy (if long) drive right up to the end. Then my car's navigation system had an EPIC FAIL! Right at the point where I was to turn off of the main road, it couldn't find the road and the map went all to hell! Righting itself (or so I thought) it then realized I was passed where I was supposed to turn and in it's digital wisdom, led me 10 miles up into the mountains, on a narrow and twisty-turny road (in a downpour no less) to the Blue Ridge Parkway so that I could make a U-turn!

...there was much profanity...

Sunset from the front porch.
Yeah, way to go Chrylser (and no, I'm still not spending $150 to get the updated nav system CD at that supposedly new 'low' price...). Anyways, I finally made it there, when I called for help and was led to my destination via cell phone. The house was so far up the mountain that they could follow my headlights virtually all of the way in. We had a really good time, lots of laughter, good eating (we're all fairly accomplished cooks) and of course, the main excuse for the trip (aside from the above), white water rafting on the Nantahala river which is something my family hasn't done in several years.

Note my expert steering which caused the front row to fall into the second...
Apparently having not already spent enough money on my little vacation (to be honest, I haven't even looked in my checkbook to see just how dire my finances are right now) I stopped by the FLGS on the way home to get some primer. I haven't been there in well over a month be honest, they're not really all that local for me. Anyways, while I did get a can of black primer, I also made one other not so minor purchase...

I have the little rulebook with me to read at lunch for the next week or so. Hopefully then I'll be ready to finally get 6th ed all figured out. as of yet I haven't touched any of the sprues other than to 'ooh and ahh' over my new toys.


  1. LOL

    ...there was much profanity...

    Best statement of the weekend concerning GPSs screwing over their owners royally.

  2. I was in a literal state of fury when I called Mom!

  3. I picked up the boxed set too. Awesome models. I brought the lil' rulebook up here (as opposed to lugging the Tome about).

    Did they tell you that they're moving? Hobbytown will be moving to the Motor Mile across from the Harley Dealership in october.

  4. Yeah they did, had heard about it prior from Screech & Edwin. They won't start up gaming again till after they move, which kinda makes sense.

    So where is 'up here'? You wandering between NJ & the midwest again?

  5. I want the box set, but I have no one to trade with for other half

  6. Sorry, I'm using both the DA & the CSMs.
