Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sometimes I hate my bitz box.

Welcome, to the pit of despair...
I have a bit, the old track unit from the original Thudd gun, its gotta be in there. Here's what I found:

Some shields for my Stirlanders when I next buy a free company box.

(5) more grots for da' Eleet Grot Mountin Duvishun

Some random bitz that might be useful for my Ork quad gun kunvershun

(1) pewter Battletech hex base

A bunch of plastic GW palm trees for Rogue Trader Voril's terrain project.

About 1/2 of a Tau Crisis suit, with a just about all the weapon options & upgrades.

A beat up Techmarine (no servo arm back pack)

A CSM icon that Screech may be able to use.

And as for that track bit? Nope, notta trace. I do have an alternative bit though, and after an hour of digging, I've given up on it.


  1. I look at that tub of bits and I wish mine was that organized ..... I actually have one tray of separated and organized marine bits ... somewhere. Can't find it anywhere in the house. Rest of my bits would mercifully be called disorganized chaos.


  2. Well, home again and I enjoyed gaming with you all. Hope to make it up again sometime soon and was nice meeting you all.


  3. Cool! Yeah was a good time despite your thorough kicking of our asses! lol. Won't make it out there this week, maybe the next, depends of when my Dad comes to visit. In the interim, you'll have to beat up on Mcnally instead.

  4. Well, won't make it up for a while with the holiday work schedule, probably will be after the holidays entirely. I'm looking forward to getting a game in with some of the others though, seems like a nice group over all.


  5. They are (except for Adam, you gotta watch out for that guy...).


  6. I have two sets of plastic boxes in the garage......

  7. That's the 'big one'. There is also a smaller space marine only tub, and a few other piles/boxes of bitz laying around. I often tell people that I live in a bitz box.
