Thursday, April 25, 2013

If you die first, we're spitting your gear...

...I sure hope that that doesn't become reality this weekend. lol, but if I don't make any more blog posts from this point on, you can assume the worst I guess...

Nothing hobby related this time as I spent this week gearing up (literally) for this coming weekend in which I'm going backpacking on the Appalachian Trail with my Mom and her boyfriend. We've been pretty excited about it for awhile now, and tomorrow after work I'll be heading out to the mountains!

On the map above you can see the route we're taking. We're starting where I-40 crosses the AT (left side of the map) and going to Hot Springs, NC which is just short of where the French Broad river crosses the AT (right side of the map). Its 30ish miles, give or take a few.  My pack, fully loaded clocked in at about 38lbs, which is a bit much. When we meet up tomorrow, we'll check and see what redundant gear that we have and can potentially leave behind to lighten the load.

Despite the for the most part beautiful weather that we've had here of late, as you can see above the weather forecast for the three days we're going looks to be rather abysmal. Yes we all have rain gear, but hiking in the rain isn't as fun as hiking in the sunshine is. I'm hoping for once that the meteorologists have no idea what they're talking about (which, is usually the case except when you want it to be).

Either way we're going, we'll have fun, and I'll post up some photos assuming I return alive.


Edit: The weather forecast has deteriorated to the point that, it's supposed to start raining Saturday mid morning and not stop till Monday afternoon, thus the trip is a washout and been postponed. Mom's boyfriend didn't want Mom's first backpacking trip to be an exercise in misery, because she'll never go again!  :-(


  1. Sounds very cool. Just soak it all up, rain or shine.

  2. Messers are from Hot Springs so be afraid

  3. Oh great. Next you're going to tell me he's a closet Banjo player...

  4. Heck no, he's a sit on the front porch banjo player
