Tuesday, August 20, 2013

38?!? Sheesh, I'm starting to get old...

However I still play with all of my 40k toys as well as video games, so I certainly don't act 'old' lol.

One of the views on the Frazier Discovery Trail in the Shenandoah National Park.
Nothing to report on the hobby front for this week as my GF and I took a long weekend trip out of town for my birthday. We rented a cozy little cabin in the woods, spent a day in Shenandoah National park, another at Monticello and finished up the weekend with a tour of Luray caverns. Now we're back home, back to normal, and flat broke. :-(

It was well worth it though!


  1. Soon you'll be able to get your AARP discount on miniature purchases! :)

  2. I'll be 39 in December if it makes you feel any better.

  3. So have you been looking to see which kinds of sports cars you can fit your battlefoam cases into when the mid-life crises hits?

  4. Nah, I'll probably just by more miniatures ....

  5. Happy birthday man! I'm just a couple months out from 38 m'self, so you're in good (or is it questionable) company! :)

  6. Thanks Mordian (and in this crowd, the company is always questionable...lol)!

  7. sheesh....all u young'n are making me feel old...


  8. You can't hide your many, MANY years with attempted anonymity Murl...lol!
