Tuesday, December 10, 2013

So...does Escalation = GW's version of Warmahordes?

Just a thought I had whilst reading Skulker's review of Escalation and Stronghold Assault. My thought was that if you kill a 'Lord of War' in a 'normal sized game' (1500 points locally), the game is effectively over. Granted its a nightmare to kill unless you tailor a list to kill it (AND you manage to steal the initiative before it throws a strength whatever dinner plate at you...). Whereas in Warmahordes I would imagine that killing a Warcaster, whilst difficult, isn't quite that hard to do...

On the left you see a variation of the only Warmahordes mini I have...

That said, regardless of game system its still essentially: 1 kill = win.


So what the hell?


  1. Killing the 900 point model would certainly do that, but what about the IG tanks... Coming in around 400-500 points, they are more reasonable and I think will actually see more than novelty play.

  2. I guess its no worse than a 500 point deathstar. Still, even those can terribly off balance a 1500 point game (unless the opposing side has a demolisher cannon or two).

  3. It's not quite the same - assassination is a victory condition in Warmahordes, but in tournaments winning by assassination sometimes (often?) means a player acquires fewer scenario points. Those points can make a big difference in overall tournament placing.

    Destroying a Lord of War in 40k just means you've taken out a large chunk of the enemy army. It's more like destroying a colossal in Warmachine - in a 35 point game that's about half the enemy army gone.

  4. Yes but if half of the army goes up in flames with the loss of 1 model, it'll be rather hard to recover won't it?

    Unless of course that 1 super-heavy has already killed half of the opposing army i guess...

  5. I can use my stompa :) In all seriousness, for the points, most units will be able to damage super heavies and if you are going to a tournament that will have super heavies, just brink a dedicated anti super unit. Drop pod melts sternguard will shred any super heavy. Outside of tournament play, I doubt this will be an issue as people can just not play if someone brings something to much. I would rather see a revant titan across the table from me then a screamer star.

  6. Edwin, I don't think anyone locally even owns a revenant titan.

    So Cheef, should I paint the armorcast Baneblade or build the plastic one I have? :D

  7. build both...go for dual force orgs.....(thats a joke for those that are blind to sarcasim)

    While were on the subject of down right stupid...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53AGY_AE4ho

    I've had more changes of heart about this retarded book in the last 48 hours than I can keep track of...currently I'm going with "wtf were they thinking?"...

  8. Stronghold Assault looks really appealing. Although can you imagine the retardation of two Macro Cannons facing each other? LOL

  9. If Edwin wants to field his Stompa that's fine. I've got a pair of Baneblades, a Shadowsword, a Stormlord, and a Warhound Titan that need the target practice.

  10. @Edwin: all it takes is one dinner plate of doom and huge portion of any opposing army is toast. That sounds like a whole lot of no fun to me.

    @ Neverness: SQUIGGOTH!!!!

    @ Murl: the comment of: 'That doesn't even look like fun' followed by: 'It wasn't.' Says it all right there.

    Back @ Neverness: i think those are more like planet strike, i.e.: made for preplanned scenarios more than a pick up game.

    @Kushial: Go for it, you already have everything, and I new you had a slew of superheavies in that massive collection of yours...

    Ultimately, I think (key words there) that this is geared more towards the marketing of large scale (and the bigger they are, the more OP & $$$ the cost) kits to raise their bottom line than it is towards making 40k any better or more enjoyable.

    Also, GW knows there is a portion of 40k gamers that only want an 'I WIN!' button...

  11. I don't believe the Squigoth is in Escalation, is it? Now those 2 Stompas I have are definitely in it!

  12. Funny thing is, is that I watched a vblog where they tried it out. Took a Baneblade and then fielded no LoW choice against it. Every game the Baneblade was dead before turn two was over and normally it died on turn one. Feels like they're going for a mini-Apoc type thing and it'll be more about formations as they release than super heavies.

  13. Bring forth your Stompas and Baneblades. Give me a reason to field my Destroyer and all...4 of my Vanquishers.
