Monday, January 13, 2014

From under the Christmas tree, to the tabletop.


Unlike my usual (of late) posts where I haven't worked on hardly anything, I've actually done a fair bit of hobbying this week. Wanting to play with our new toys, I started with what we could easily fit into out preexisting lists. Thus, my GF's new inquisitor and her retinue!

Care of Hasselfree miniatures, you can see the Inquisitor on the left, 5 acolytes with carapace armor, (4) with hot-shot lasguns, the other with a pistol, and a psyker in the rear. The psyker was a freebee from Hasselfree, and mistakenly my GF referred to that model as the 'floater'. lol, she's tried to dissuade me from using that name, but to no avail...

During their battlefield debut, these ladies were riding around in another present this past weekend, my new Chimera with the Chapterhouse wheeled conversion kit...

Gunport shutters in lieu of lasguns, and made from the unused tank tracks.

 As you can see its still a WIP, and is sans-wheels (I claimed it to be a 'low rider' on Saturday). Like all new toys, a landraider killed it. At least it took down a marine or two, and the passengers took no losses, whilst inflicting a few themselves. That's about all I want to say about the game though other than wanting to toss our dice into the Holsten river as we drove over it on our way home...

Anyways, this will (eventually) be an Arbitrators Chimera, and I plan to buy a second chimera and conversion kit for the second squad that I have of them as well. I'm really liking it so far though, and enjoyed putting it together. Especially as I have no idea when it was that I last built a new tank.


  1. Something about the way that is colored made Mr think "watermelon" which got me thinking that tank painted to make the coloration of watermelons could make for an effective, if not unique, camouflage pattern. I could just be hungry though. For watermelons.

  2. lol. I'm not going to camouflage it (as a watermelon or otherwise), just paint it with a plain coat of gretchin green. It will be dirtied up though, tanks NEED to be dirty!

  3. Unless you're an Ultramarine, in which case it must be spotless, else you'll be sent to the Tyranid front.

  4. lol, in that particular case, I guess the passengers of tank would then qualify as 'Meals on wheels'!
