Monday, May 5, 2014

A few more Astral Claws...


Notta whole lot of note round here. The weather has been rather nice here of late, and as such we've still been quite busy which has limited my hobby time. I have however gotten a few more Astral Claws assembled for my Legion Cohort (which now numbers 11 marines).

Astral Claws, now with FW shoulder pads!
The Tyrant's Legion is limited to just allies of convenience for IG & Marines only, with no other allies options. The Astral Claws on the other hand is just another SM chapter. Allowing them to ally with my Storm Wardens if I want to. To lead them I have yet another Librarian. As usual its a Grey Knight, with different arms/head/and shoulder pads.

These guys, along with the rest of my Tyrant's Legion got to see combat this past weekend (Librarian excluded).  They were teamed up with the Fem Fa'Tau in a 2v2 game vs. Orks and Dark Angels. We won decisively due to the game carrying on to turn 6. Had it ended on turn 5, the outcome could have gone either way, so it was a good game. Two things of note for my troops though.

First up, my Astral Claw grav-gunner got his first ever kill with the grav gun! Firing an overwatch shot, and killing an Ork with his 6+ save!!! He did later account for a DW termie though. SPEAKING of the DW Termies, getting cocky due to an overwhelming number of saves made. They turned their backsides to our forces to 'moon' us...and thus Belial took a lascannon up the ass (that was the Warlord VP, thank you very much!). lol.


  1. I've always wanted to get some of the Lion's Head variant of the Astral Claws' FW shoulder pads, but just could never justify buying 10 shoulder pads at FW prices to only use one of them.

  2. "...took a las cannon up the ass..." and now we know why they are called the ASStral Claws! LOL

  3. lol, call em what you want, I doubt anyone's special characters will be trying that again!

  4. Haha, no doubt! I don't even understand what actually happened: did the unit change their facing or Something?

  5. The Deathwing night squad physically pivoted in place, turning around in mockery. Due to casualties, Belial was out in front which caught the attention of my all-lascannon predator...

    Later in the game a tac marine did the same thing and died to a Chimera, at which point 'mooning the enemy' was determined to be a bad idea.
