Monday, May 19, 2014

What if General Pickett had trukks to help take the ridge...

Here's a battle report of my game this weekend. I wanted to use Da Long Wayz Dezert Groop in all of its mechanized glory! When tallying things up, they clocked in at 2K! Patrick, always a fan of bigger games as it allows more than one Riptide was all to happy to take me on.

2k, Standard deployment, relic (as-fucking-usual), Orks went first, with no first turn night fight...

It seemed fitting to have the relic be an immovable Ork totem, as anyone who touches a relic dies before they can move anyways...

My deployment zone from the left side...

...and the right.

The Tau left flank...

...and their right (which one doesn't belong kids?).

My kommandos infiltrate, more to push the Pathfinders back than anything.

Turn 1's bonsai charge saw the buggy skwadrun quickly lose a member to difficult terrain. Fix-a-flat had to turbo boost to get to it!

There was minimal shooting as the trukks all went flat out, though I did manage a single wound on one Riptide.
First blood! (no surprise there...).

Unsurprisingly, the trukk charge runs into a wall of pulse fire and the trukks cease to exist, along with several orks...

Turn two the Deff Kopta and Da Masta Cheef, his nobs, and their battlewagon make use of the 'Master of Maneuver' warlord trait by outflanking into the Tau backfield. The battlewagon's shooting was ineffectual, but the deff kopta took out Longstrike's hammerhead with one shot! Huzzah!

Despite the withering overwatch fire, (some) orks reach the tau lines, tying up the Riptide and seeing off some pathfinders!

The Tau Left flank prepares for an about face...
I guess the liked that Longstrike guy...
Da first wave of buggies round the flank as the Tau are distracted by the infantry that's up in their grill!
The Riptide takes down the battlewagon and the onslaught of fire comes in at the Nobs mob!
Darkstrider's squad vaporizes the Kommandos but my flank charge moves in to avenge them!

Despite some casualties, the eavy armor, cybork bodies and Painboy hold up, and the nobs open up into the Fire warriors who summarily flee off the table (taking their Cadre Fireblade with them) leaving them w/o a charge to make. :-/

SHOCK AND AWE!!! The Tankbustas in da Matilda (battlewagon) take out the devilfish thru HPs, and Darkstrider's squad, fails their break test from ork shooting, and also flee off the table.

Da Matilda goes down taking most of the tankbustas with it, though they put another 3 wounds on the right most riptide in the interim. The 'lolz skwad' of proxied storm boys FINALLY arrive and shoot nothing. Hate this unit, it never does anything...

Da Masta Cheef, his nobs mob shot out from under him withers overwhelming overwatch fire to charge the Left side riptide...

...and Da Riptide is DEAD!!! 5 wounds inflicted with the powerklaw, nice!!!

On the right side, the wounded riptide and lone stormboy scrub kill each other eliciting a big cheer from me and a few onlookers! Guess I ought to paint him now. :-/ I still don't like that unit though...
Despite another huge volley of overwatch fire which put another wound on Da Cheef, apparently the Broadside fired the rail cannon in HTH killing da Cheef before he could swing his claw! :-(
With the cheef's (and most everything else's demise) The Tau went into mopping up mode, wiping out virtually everything.
I say 'virtually' as here is the last surviving Ork boy as he flees off of the table.

...and with that, I was tabled the top of turn 5. So I guess the trukks wouldn't have helped Pickett either. Still we had fun, and Da Boyz had several highlights:

• The Deffkopta one-shotting Longstrike's Hammer Head
• The Tankbustas putting 3 wounds on a riptide and actually killing a vehicle (for once they accomplished something!).
• Da Masta Cheef killing the Riptide in one round of combat!

So it was all good.

Speaking of the Tau, the Fem Fa'Tau were engaged by RTVoril's Eldar. I really didn't see much of the game, however at game's end, RT named my GF 'She who destroys armies'! So you can easily tell just how their game

No, I don't think anyone captured their relic either, typical.


  1. The relic should look like a giant fly zapper, because every time somebody touches it they die... quickly.

  2. I suspect that the mission choice might not have made have made a real difference in this outcome. But no Night Fighting in the first turn probably did.

  3. I doubt that on the nightfight. The Tau pas out blacksun filters like their candy to everyone but Fire Warriors...
