Monday, June 23, 2014

My first game of 6th ed with a psychic phase...

...seriously, that's what it felt like. Color me unimpressed, though I suppose the transition from one edition to the next will be quite easy even though I still don't want to have to buy an $85 rule book 2 years too early. Meh.

Neither of us had the Maelstrom cards so we just plays a standard mission, big guns never tire, 1500 points, Eldar/Exodites vs. Necrons. Whilst I lost, I fared better than I predicted as my army has serious problems with heavy armor (and I for the most part ignored the vehicles). That said the charging forward wave of Wraiths escorted by a Destroyer Lord ran head long into the 'Bladestorm sweet spot' with devastating results. By my opponent's guesstimate, I gunned down about 500 points or so of Wraiths in the first turn! The Lord and a few more wraiths died soon after...

The Eldar apparently don't like croissants...

What a novel concept! Tell me Necron players: How many of these 'worthless' sprues have you thrown out over the years?

After my Dragon Knights (Wraithguard with D-Scyths) came on from reserve and annihilated the rampaging horde of Scarabs, the Necron army decided that they really didn't like them and the whole Necron army attacked the squad and wiped them out!

About the only other real highlight was a Guardian Squad's missile launcher gunner deciding he had skyfire. The ML rolled nothing but 6's to hit and penetrate the flying croissants for 2 turns (before being pie plated by the Monolith). The results were one stunned/ignored but still lost a hull point, and the other jinking to safety. Which is about as good as any actual skyfiring unit I've ever had has managed to do in a game thus far...

All in all, it was a fun game even though (as stated above) I was completely unimpressed by the new edition.

1 comment:

  1. With any new edition, you got to follow the tactical advice of an old Colonel, you got to go "balls deep" with it!
    Don't just give it the tip and make a decision!!!
