Thursday, February 19, 2015

Your Tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker!

lol, yes I know, I know...most of the country (the northeast in particular) is literally buried under several feet of snow, and has been for quite some time. However not one to be left out, Tennessee is doing its best to feel like Hoth as well. It snowed the other day, and every day since, about 8" worth. Add to that 40+ mile an hour wind gusts, the temperature this morning (not counting the windchill mind you) was -2F, and today's 'high' projected to be a balmy 0. Friday night's low will be about -15F! WTF? Reminds me of growing up in northern New Jersey!

So needless to say, there's not much going on in the painting department. There's no priming or clear coating in weather like this. That said, I did finish two Quar (aside from clear coats). The first was my Homeguard Quar with a shotgun. Wolfy kept making fun of his 'naked base' (unflocked), and the poor bastard was so self-conscious about it that he never managed to hit any of Bob's paratroopers.

Ya know its a bitch to paint squad numbers on warmahordes bases, and decals don't like to work on them either (much like Space Marine shoulder pads), thus I just use a pen. Not my best effort I guess, but it works...
  The 2nd was my Quartillery Officer. Between the first game's excellent arty strike, to damned near reaching the objective in the 2nd game (plus adding a pin marker here and there to the paratroops), he's been hitting well above his weight class. Better yet, he's FREE to the Brits!

Beware the fat, I mean Quar, with the radio!
 I'm tentatively scheduled to play vs. Kushial's British paratroops this coming Friday. However given the inclement weather here of late, I'm not sure if he's going make it or not, so we'll see...


  1. Ah to feel the "warmth" of Commorragh, as it were... instead of the sting of Hoth. Screw this weather!

  2. And just think! I get to go play Army in that stupid cold this weekend. -_-

  3. lol, they always seem to schedule your drills for the weekends with the worst weather!

  4. Unless you send a text saying the weather is getting bad up there, the plan is when I get off work I'm picking up Imperial Broadside and we're heading up there.

  5. It ought to be clear, just really, REALLY FUCKING COLD!!!

  6. There is a weather alert for tonight, so you might want to look in to it...

  7. I checked, so long as they're home by about 5am, they ought to be fine. That and the prospect of 2 fat boys having to snuggle in a compact car to avoid freezing to death ought to speed them along on the ride home...

  8. It's OK Cheef... If we get too cold and can't make it back to town we will just come snuggle with you.

  9. The doors are locked and the gun is loaded...

  10. Why do you think I wasn't there at the game? :)
