Monday, April 6, 2015

Playing 40k in a game of X-Wing?

lol, well yes, sort of...

I played a game against Sam this past Friday, and to make things interesting as he put it, we bumped the points up to 150. He fielded 4 TIE interceptors and a lone TIE Defender, and me? Well, I turned the Rebellion into the Orks.

Here's the Purple Squadron at game's end.
Yeah...this guy's kinda ridiculous...

My list was of 7 Rebel fighters, and aside from Tycho Celchu, everything in my list was PS2! Thus, it all moved and shot at the same time, as well as had overwhelming numbers to go with it! Sam put up a good fight, but he honestly didn't see this coming and I walked away with a flawless victory (i.e.: no losses, though one X-Wing was on it's last legs!).

That ship needs to be painted...
The new mat's 1st game!

Additionally the 2nd wave of our Noble Knight goodies arrived with yet more new toys! Since this is an X-Wing post, I just have pics of the X-Wing contingent of that order above: Wolfy's Butterfly ship (StarViper) and a second Gale Force Nine Space mat (that looks a hellova lot like the background space in EVE Online).

I also got more stuff for my Bolt Action Quar (Russian partisans this time), more terrain and an expansion for Cards Against Humanity because that game wasn't wrong enough to begin with...


1 comment:

  1. I think you just uncovered why the tie swarm has always been such an effective tool. It's better to attack in x-wing then defend, so any setup which can put you in an overwelmingly positive attack situation, will tend to win out over a more cautious defense (barring the previously un nerfed phantoms)
