Monday, August 17, 2015

Lordy, Lordy, Da Masta Cheef is Forty!

Yeah, yeah, whatever...its all fun and games and then it happens to you. Eh, I'm still playing with 'toys' so its safe to say by this point that I'm never gonna grow up! Speaking of toys, it only seems appropriate here on Da Long Wayz Groop, to mark the occasion by showing off my most recently painted Orks:

Wen stelf iz needed, Da Boss sens out da 'Sneeky Git' to do da job!

Perhaps he's genetically programmed to be a Deff Skull, or perhaps he just knows dat 'bloo's a lukky color.' Regardless he's da cheef spanner (I'm going to have at least 2) in my mob.

Gorkamorka has rekindled my love of the Orks and as such they've returned to the painting queue (due mainly to the fact that virtually all of the painted ones went the way of ebay). Their bases are 'a little bland' in Wolfy's opinion (needz more skullz?), but they are in a dezert. I wanted them to be based with something different than my normal 'generic' 40k flock-mix. That way da boyz specifically painted for GorkaMorka to stand out from the rest of my army.  


  1. Happy Birthday!

    I second some skull bases. There are skulls in the desert. In my experience, your way more likely to find them on the ground there than in a city (though that seems to differ in the 40K universe).

  2. Happy Bday! Orks look fantastic!

  3. Cheef you are seriously a talented painter. I know some of that comes from 20+ years of doing this, but seriously man, you're very talented!

    Also, happy birthday.

  4. I am thinking about adding some necron bitz to mine, as they seem to be scattered about on the surface of Angelis (according to some of the GM art anyway.

  5. @Codicer: Thanks & yes, I may do a bitz order for some Ork skullz.

    @Greg: Thank you & Thank you!

    @Adam: Thank you & Thank you!

    @Neverness: We might still have some Necron bitz that survived the bitz auctions, will have to look.

    @Zzzzzz: Yes, exactly!

  6. Happy Birthday, Cheef. Glad to see some Ork love.

  7. Happy birthday, man! I'm just a few months behind ya on that milestone, they say you gotta grow old, but you don't gotta grow up! Cheers!

  8. @Mad: Thanks!

    @Mordian: Thank you and no you don't! All of my gift cards have thus far gone too Star Wars in one form or another!
