Monday, November 9, 2015

The brutal process of Dreadnought recycling begins...


In a reply to my last post, Knight of Infinite Resignation commented that several chemicals that can be used for stripping paint from minis, will often soften resin. I didn't think Simple Green would do that, but was alarmed enough to check and see. So, instead of doing my usual of ignoring simple greened minis for several weeks, months (or in at least one case, more than a year), a mere week later I pulled the model out and gave it a good toothbrush scrubbing to see what damage if any had been done.

Turns out, no damage aside from what was inflicted by me during this initial cleaning. There were always a few mis-casts in the legs that bothered me, so I opted to replace the legs entirely this go round with some new replacement bitz purchased via ebay. Not needing to scrub the legs and wanting to get to the underside without obstruction, I simply snapped the old ones off!

It was kinda painful to intentionally break a dreadnought in half...

After a good scrubbing, there was still quite a bit of crud left on the dread. So after popping off the incriminating Chaos bitz and snapping a few quick pics for this post, back into the simple green it went.

That chaos icon on the heavy bolter has been removed as well. Note the blue on the heavy bolter: that confirms this dread's service with the Silver Skulls, a forgotten bit of  history which I was only guessing at in my last post...
That old Imperator Titan head will remain in place because it just looks badass!
There will need to be some filing/scraping/sanding needed to get rid of the glue from the removed chaos chains.
The waist mount remnants will have to be cut off and sanded flat.
New legs and chest plates awaiting their new body...

This week looks to be a busy one, so odds are the dread will remain submerged for at least a week and a half...

1 comment:

  1. That reminds me of some of my projects, I look forward to seeing the outcome. And yes, that head is bad-ass!
