Thursday, March 24, 2016

Prepping for my Bolt Action bachelor party!

Yes, I'm a geek I know. Rather than wasting $$$ at a seedy strip club (I don't know if the last locally remaining one is even in business anymore...), we're turning this week's gaming night at the FLGS into my bachelor party (following dinner).

Yes, the alcohol will be flowing (in my case at the least) meaning my game play will be questionable at best (which in all honesty, is pretty much the norm). Not that it matters I suppose, I haven't played Bolt Action in so long that I'm not sure I remember any but the most basic of it's rules.

X-Wing is my usual 'go to' game, but currently at the FLGS (a place I've had little chance to visit), Bolt Action is the favorite. Fine by me, because that means I get to play with my Quar, and any chance to do that makes me happy! I was rummaging thru my mini cases trying to figure out what I have in my collection and, it turns out more than I thought.

Thus far, as Russians my Quar have one spectacular win and two crushing losses  to their credit. That averages out to equal: 'meh'. Oh well, at least they look cool!

The plan is to get everyone together for a mega-battle of some sort...don't know the plans exactly and its possible that I may be too inebriated to ever even figure the particulars out, lol. I'll try to take some pics for a Monday post, but no promises...


  1. I salut you! What a killer party idea.

  2. When I get up on Sunday morning I'll think of you, just about heading for your bed. Have a great time DMC.

  3. Brilliant idea...and hearty congratulations on your forthcoming nuptials!
