Thursday, April 21, 2016

The 'Blue Waffle' is complete!

The Blue Waffle is what Billy named his YT after seeing the WIP photos. Inspiration kinda up and left me mid-way thru this project which is why it took me so long to complete. Not knowing what else to do after my last post, I opted for some good ol' indecipherable alien script to decorate the hull, a bit of dry-brushed on grime, and called it 'done'.

I'm sure that says: 'Caution - HOT!'

Oh well, I hope he likes it. 


  1. Blue Waffle? That's disgusting. Probably got it from the Scarlet Harlot.

  2. Hey now, I didn't name it! Odds are its a traditional Gammorrean breakfast item or maybe something found in the waffle house dumpster...

  3. I get the feeling that you don't know what "blue waffle" actually means. I'll give you a hint: it's not a blue-colored breakfast item.

  4. A quick google search aaaand...yeah, that's just awful.

    Again, BILLY named it, not me.

  5. I know that. Just because it's fake doesn't make it any less horrifying.
