Monday, May 2, 2016

Pick a army pal...


Sorry for the lack of a post on Thursday. On Monday of last week, my beloved Wolfy had a major, and much needed surgery. She's recovering well, but time spent at the hospital and adjusting to her new needs at home basically eliminated any hobby time for the week.

I did get a bit of reading in though...

Not overly impressed with both the British and Soviet army books for Bolt Action, I ordered the France and Allies book off of ebay and it arrived this past Tuesday. I was already somewhat familiar with the Partisans army list and fully intend to use it with my multi-color uniformed and 'hillbilly' Quar. There are a handful that need to be painted to fill out the ranks, and the option of using 'captured' enemy vehicles (unreliable as they are...) is also appealing.

For anyone wondering, yes, I'm pulling a 'Rob' when it comes to army selection (or rather the lack thereof).

As for the rest of my Quar, I'm not sure yet. The Polish army list is rather appealing actually. Another option of course is the new Australian army list assuming Warlord ever sends me the download link.

DrivethruRPG Warlord is not! No order and instant download with Warlord, not even for free downloads! The Beyond the Gates of Antares quick-start rules PDF took 4 days to receive the link, which I thought was a bit much. However the Aussie army list PDF download (which I ordered whilst Wolfy was in surgery) is heading into a full week on my having to wait on some bloke in England to send me the link.

Grumble, grumble...

Oh well, I've been short on time anyways, but hopefully we'll be getting back to normal here soon...


  1. Waiting for a PDF seems really counterproductive to the entire concept of a download! Hopefully Warlord gets with it soon, they seem pretty good about everything else.

  2. Soz, it was a Bank Holiday over here. Oh wait, computer systems don't go on holiday...

    PS hope Wolfy has a comfortable and speedy recovery.

  3. 7 days? That's one hellova holiday, lol!

    And thank you sir and I do as well!

  4. Yeah...I just gave up trying with that download.

  5. Never heard from Warlord but I found it (and some others) here:
