Thursday, June 2, 2016

...aaaaand two Bolter Marines later...


Sorry for the lack of a Monday post, but my Mom gave us the 'Surprize! I'm coming up (from FL) to visit...' call rather unexpectedly, and the long weekend turned into a whirlwind visit in lieu of the usual gaming and geekery. My Dad is coming down (from NJ) for a visit this weekend, so next Monday's post is a bit iffy as well.

Welp, I'm out of Eldar ruins. So it'll just be rocks decorating bases from here on out.

As such, there's little to report other than I managed to paint two more Alpha Legion tactical marines. Unlike all of my previous marine armies, where everything is assembled and (theoretically) painted later, This go round, I'm 'painting as I go'. Meaning I build and paint a marine from start-to-finish before working the next one.

There's no rush to get an army on the table, as even with my Outremar allies, I can't muster but a few hundred points, who are equipped with anti-infantry weapons only. Or, in other words: cannon fodder for any likely opposing 30k/40k army. Thus, I'm just happily painting at my usual snail's pace with neither worry nor concern about getting in a game at any time in the foreseeable future.

I guess I now fall into that so-called 80% of 'collectors' that GW thinks makes up its customer base...


  1. Fantastic work. I love your paint scheme, any chance of a tutorial or a list of paints?

  2. These are looking quite brilliant. I look forward to routing them in a future game. As far as eldar ruins go, search your bitz box for arms and other body parts and kit... ;)

  3. @Knight: Thank you sir! I've not thought about doing a step-by-step tutorial as my painting normally falls into the 'mediocre/table top quality' variety, but I may give that a try in the future...

    The following link has the paints and my layering recipe for this color scheme:

    @Neverness: Thank you but rout? lol, I've seen you dice rolling skills! Yes I'm sure I'll come up with something else to decorate their bases on occasion. Speaking of, I do have some space wolf bitz...

  4. Ummm.... (looks both ways, scampers off quickly!)
