Monday, June 20, 2016

Outremar Pattern Leman Russ: Work begins...

The pics I took of my latest finished Alpha Legionnaire, which...true to form for that particular model (whom I've dubbed 'the problem child') came out lousy. So, into the trash those pics went and to be honest I did't feel like retaking them, as such I'll just save that for later. Instead I'll just make this a short post showing that the painting has started on my Outremar Pattern Leman Russ.

An Outremar Servitor, dutifully guards it's assigned tank.

The Outremar are too short to 'reach the pedals' or see out of the gun sights, etc., in the human scaled interior of a standard Leman Russ. Similarly, due to the imperium's mediocre understanding of technology and the resulting lack of an auto-loader in the turret, man-handling the massive battle cannon shells was also out of the question. So a complete redesign was needed (not that you can really tell from the above pic).


  1. Couldn't they just use a periscope-like viewing system to see out? I always imagined that was sort of how some of the view ports on the Leman Russ worked anyway just by the nature of the design...

  2. And where's the fun in that?

    This will be a non-standard design for sure, but it will also be less effective (but cooler looking I think) than the 'correct' design, so I doubt anyone would take issue with it. Especially considering it'll be surrounded by Grymn infantry minis anyways.

  3. I love it! Really digging what you're coming up with!
