Thursday, July 14, 2016

Mordian7th stops by for a visit...

...and I'm sure that that headline will be as much of a surprise to him as it will to anyone else!

Lemme 'splain.

I needed a good reference for painting up a 30k Thousand Son marine, and where better to look for a painting guide than on the Mordian 7th Regiment blog? I mean seriously, he on his what-2nd? 3rd? Thousand Sons 30k army by now? And on that note, a serious hats off to you sir as painting just one those way-too-intricate helmets was more than enough for me! I can't imagine painting an army or two worth of them.

Don't worry, I have one marine with an Alpha Legion helmet on his base too. 

Speaking of those fancy helmets, that's all I needed to paint actually. The rest of the marine was...missing. Whilst a lone straggler was obviously an easy kill, I'd be loathe to set up on a table across from one of Mordian's 30k armies (skip to the bottom photo)! I'm sure he's a great guy to play, but that kind of firepower has me easily outclassed. Luckily the Alpha Legion prefers a good ol' knife to the throat of the unawares than they do a stand up fight...


  1. For a minute there, I was distraught that I hadn't been invited.
