Thursday, January 11, 2018

This week's emotional roller coaster...


Why you no haz photo cube?
Dis...dis thing? Dis thing is mine...
Its been a rough week. We had to put our Kiya to sleep. She was my Beloved Wolfy's familiar and soul mate (way before I came into the picture) as well as my little buddy who wanted part of every one of my meals (oddly, unlike our dog Sheba), and loved nothing more than to steal the individually bubbled-wrapped bundles of minis (sold on ebay) out of the boxes I was preparing to ship them in.

She had two heart attacks last weekend, and as such this week was heartbreaking as we watched her not recover. She's at peace now, though she left us many, many years ahead of her time.

While her little sister Neeka will no doubt miss her as well, she's also more than willing to carry on the torch...

On a brighter not, my Beloved Wolfy and I are now an aunt and uncle! My sister had a baby girl Wednesday night, about an hour or so ago as I type this! She came about a month early so there was some concern on that front as well for a few days but all is well now! So...yeah, its been an emotional roller coaster this week,


  1. Sorry to hear about your loss. I'm a cat person myself, and they always leave a friend shaped hole.

  2. Sad to hear about Kiya, but glad to hear about your new niece! Emotional times indeed.

  3. Sorry to hear, cat person myself and quite familiar with the wee ones "helping" with minis...

  4. Thank you all. Our 'kids' are the four legged furry kind, which makes losing them soul crushing for us. The initial shock is the worst given that 2 weeks ago we had no reason to suspect anything was wrong. It gets a little easier day by day, but will take awhile...

    Our niece has brightened our week considerably, honestly we really needed the boost & we'll get to meet her this weekend.

  5. Ah, sorry for your loss. Our fur babies are family, sometimes loosing them is worse than loosing human relatives.

    I hope the weekend goes well.

  6. Thank you as well for your kind thoughts.
