Monday, August 27, 2018

Skulls, always need more skulls...

As you can see, I only took the portion of Neverness' armies that was of any value...

Amidst the recent jolt to our daily lives, I did find time for a few online purchases. My in-laws got a gift card to amazon for my birthday, and the above was one of my purchases. Indeed it was one that was long overdue me thinks. I also bought a few non-hobby related books, but they're still in transit, coming via not-so-speedy pack mules it seems. I made a few other (non-amazon) hobby purchases as well, but will post about those as they arrive.


  1. This set is just awesome and very handy. I have been using it a lot, and still have so many skulls to go through...

  2. Yes I would imagine so, its been on my 'to get' list ever since it first came out.

  3. Always carry a spare skull, just in case you sneeze hard.

  4. I don't forsee any need for the huge numbers of regular human skulls in the box, but it was totally worth picking up for all the Xenos and mutant and Chaos skulls.

  5. @Zzzzz: lol!

    @Westrider: well theoretically they'll all get used...eventually. That said, I do wish there was a better ratio of Daemon/xenos skulls to human ones.
