Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Chaos conforms to no posting schedule!!

Which sounds like a valid excuse for no Monday post right? Right. Notta whole lot to report actually as we opted for a lazy weekend after three weeks solid of waaaay too fucking much going on! Seriously my Beloved Wolfy and I needed the break. 

The Cult of unpainted conformity, coming to a hellhole near you...

So we skipped the game shop, though as you can see, I did manage to assemble these guys for use in Kill Team and now Necromunda! But that's it I'm afraid. We're still settling in to our 'new normal' so hobbying will continue to be spotty for the foreseeable future. I may have a 2nd late post this week, not sure yet.


  1. That is probably your laziest photo too! 😉
    Seriously though, I have been itching to build my cultists for ages now and thought I might put mine together for Necromunda/Kill Team. I like the rules in the new PDF, but I just might paint up my brother's old Cawdor instead...unless the idea of chaos culrist wars appeals to you.

  2. The Cawdor are just wayward and ignorant folk, unaware that they're desperately seeking our spiritual guidance...

    lol, the Chaos Gang rules are the only ones of any of the updated rules I've read. The new minis are great, but these were ridiculously cheap to acquire and work equally well in KT, 40k & 30k too.

    As for chaos v. chaos, or any other factions it matters not. As stated above, you and your minions are simply unfortunate, misguided souls until we can guide you to the light of (our version of) Chaos!

  3. Sometimes IRL is a b!tch and gets in the way! Still, any hobby progress is good progress.

  4. lol, indeed you have no idea how rough its been the past few weeks!
