Tuesday, November 13, 2018

A base fit for a bug...


Hobby time has unfortunately been at the minimum here of late, too much adulting going on. In fact I only just put the decals on my renegade Iron Hands Sunday evening, inking them last night. Whilst those were drying, I set about positioning the bitz I purchased for the base of my 'nid kill team's Tyranid warrior leader from my previous post. 

Sometimes there's just no escape...

When all is said and done, the escape pod will have the hatch attached and like my Silver Drakes, this too will be a snow base, with the skeleton half covered with snow flock, whilst the pod have snow collecting inside. 

I also bought two primaris helmets to decorate the bases of a pair of Termagants who will serve as specialists. While you're allowed up to have up to three specialists, Termagants are limited to only having the scout and veteran specialist abilities. Thus, I'll see if one of the local 'nid players have a genestealer that they can spare to flesh out my roster with it's third specialist.. 


  1. I like it! Looking forward to seeing it finished, as I suspect you might have an amazing model here when it's done.

  2. I like the story this is already telling. The relief whoever that was must have felt as they made it to the escape pod, and off their doomed vessel, only to get chomped or stomped or something before taking more than a couple of steps away.

  3. @Neverness: I can only hope so, this mini's painter's ability to achieve that remains questionable however...

    @WestRider: Yes that's exactly what I was looking for: a little diorama that's both functional as a base, and tells a (bleak) story at the same time.

    @Siph: Thank you sir!
