Monday, January 14, 2019

My Tyranid Warrior leader for KT is complete!


The title says it all really. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out, and even found an old sabol tray in which to transport it (in a space that once held a space marine dreadnought).

I had hoped to pop one of my last 40k cherries by fielding Tyranids for the 1st time ever in my gaming career on Saturday. However that plan was thwarted by a lack of KT opponents despite a good turn out. Oh well, it'll happen soon enough I guess. Anyways, here it is:

The last thing that anyone wants to come face-to-face with!

Profile view

The ass-end (if such a term applies to the Nids)

I wanted the snow to look as though it had only just started again
and was beginning to accumulate on/in the surfaces of the pod.

Escape Pod close up.

Here's a better look at the pod's former occupant, now only a
partial skeleton, half buried in the snow. 


  1. Very spiffy DMC!

    The whole setup is stunning. That's sort of what we've come to expect from you. You keep setting your bar so high!

  2. Looks killer my dude! I don't know when the next time you're planning on attending game night might be (I assume the 26th?) but for my first time ever playing KT and using my Orks, I hereby challenge these Nids!

  3. @CounterFett: Wow! Thanks man!

    @WaaarghPug: Thank you and challenge accepted! We can tentatively set the 26th as the date of this battle royale. Will know as the date gets closer.

  4. I finally just realized that the escape pod is the ODST drop pod from Halo. Now that I think about it, though, do individual drop pods exist in 40K, or is that LosTech?

  5. Excellent! Those old Nids are kind of goofy looking in some ways, but there's something I really love about them nonetheless. Good job with the new-fallen snow effect, too.

    @HappySpawn: Yeah, 40K has individual escape pods like that. That one is from the Sector Imperialis Objectives set, and there are a bunch of them in the Rogue Trader boxed set as well. I think the only single-person drop pods I've seen mentioned in connection with combat operations, tho, are the ones used by Assassins, which don't actually have Models as such.

  6. Niiiiiiice - I dig it! Always love seeing old models get new life breathed into 'em!

  7. @Screech: That clearly was the inspiration, yes. But, as Westrider already pointed out, they do in fact exist in 40k. They're basically lifeboats for the few valued members of Imperial Naval crews (i.e.: the ones not physically chained to their stations).

    @Westrider: Thanks!!! And yeah, not as much of a fan of the older Warrior sculpts, and being metal it really off-balances the whole model (so this will stand on flat surfaces only!). That said, it was less than half the price of a newer, plastic one and (conveniently) Hive Fleet Ouroboris' bio-morph species are generally older types than their contemporaries.

    @Mordian: Thank you sir, thank you! Not I just need to start repainting that horde of old Termagants that this guy will be leading.

  8. The base looks awesome. I like the layering you did on the warrior.
