Sunday, April 28, 2019

Deff Skull Lootas...

...yes, they apparently exist...

Dat kar iz ev'n da propa kolor: BLOO!

A friend of my Beloved Wolfy took this pic a few weeks back:

Dude this is friggin' Tennessee. How do you, of all people not have a damned pickup truck???


  1. She should have left a note under the wipers (assuming that any were present) that read: "red ones go pasta! Paint. Dis. Red!!!! Waaaaagh!"

  2. LOL, my tablet changed "fasta" to "pasta"!

  3. LOL! Well pasta does go with red (sauce).

    The driver was in the car when we were there, staring back at us (and everyone else pointing and taking photos) with open hostility.

  4. Ha! And yeah, seriously, should def have a trukk for that. Or at least know someone they can borrow one from. Even up here, we can reliably manage that.

  5. This is Tennessee, its hard to find somebody WITHOUT a truck! Apparently this guy is a local 'junk man' who comes thru a coworker's neighborhood every week. From what she said, his truck died. I guess he replaced it with this car, because finding an old beater truck was too difficult...or something.
