Saturday, January 25, 2020

To the trees!


Watch out for the poison ivy...

I gotta bunch of 'train trees' for Christmas to use in making some traversable forests for both my 15mm 40k and Classic Battletech. As such I added hex lines for use with the latter which was something of a nightmare. Normally I only discuss Battletech on my other blog, but figured duplicate posts would be kinda pointless for a mere stand of trees. 

Luckily this Locust won't devour everything in sight...

I didn't clear coat this prior to adding the hex lines and trees due to inclement weather resulting in considerable frustration as the flocking was coming off at the slightest touch. As such this was partially reflocked multiple times up until I just said fuck it! and left the little bare spots as they were. Future forests will be clear coated prior to the addition of hex lines and the trees themselves


  1. Weirdly this seems to work at both scales! No reason not to use it in 28mm as well I reckon.

    1. Perhaps as shrubbery, as trees I’d think these would be too small for regular 28mm 40k. Of course, having gotten 30+ of these trees, there’s more than enough to try I suppose.
