Monday, April 6, 2020

Silver Drakes update!


Only five got painted before I ran out of steam...yeah that sounds about right. 
In response to last week's rant post, Siph kindly offered to send myself and Neverness each one of the new Primaris Lieutenants at the UK price + shipping rather than the exorbitant price of ordering one directly here in the USA. Curiously I didn't think the Lt. in question would be available till October, though Siph has already painted one up. Not sure how he has accomplished this little feat but...the Relictors are renowned for their little heresies, so I'll just chalk it up to that (btw Siph, it looks great!).

As such, I thought it a good idea to unearth my Silver Drakes and take stock of the meager force that said Lt. will be leading. Currently, my Silver Drakes total a whopping 8 minis. Five painted with my KT comms. specialist having his stalker bolt rifle reduced to a standard model this past Saturday. With so few marines, I need basic grunts more than I do a superfluous Lt. with grandiosely modeled Stalker Bolt Rifle.

His original gun.

Speaking of: scope, no scope, drum magazine or curved...they're all standard bolt rifles in my book. GW's paltry attempt to add spice to an otherwise bland lack of options for these minis upon their initial release holds no water in my opinion. Besides stalker and auto-bolt rifles aren't that great anyways.

KT 'combat footage' from what seems like ages ago...

Sarge got a new, 32mm, textured resin base rather than his ginormous original one (can't have him outdoing his forthcoming superior officer now can we?). These remaining three are now primed and awaiting paint. I ought to be able to accomplish that in a reasonable period of time, though painting here of late seems to be a struggle, with little accomplished beyond priming the bare plastic/resin/3d printed masses.

Raptors we are not!

The basic grunt next to sarge is enjoying some fresh air (or hell just air in general) following his 18-month sojourn in the simple green (I don't know why it's always 18 just happens that way). Currently I'm out of mechanicus grey which I need for the bolt rifles, so I had to order a bottle off of ebay as every FLGS in the region is currently closed due to the predations of Papa Nurgle. But I suppose I can get these started in the interim...

The whole Silver Drakes chapter. (Gulp!)


  1. The Lt. Model has been available at events up to this point. I assume Siph acquired one at an event or got it via the secondary market.

    Also, thanks again Siph!

    BtW, those Drakes are looking nice!

  2. Ah, okay...yeah that makes sense, & thanks!
