Monday, June 15, 2020

Another Child of Torment enters the fray


Just a quick post this morning. It was kindova lousy weekend, but I did manage at least to finish the WIP Children of Torment Chaos marine. This brings me up to a whopping TWO finished plus the Helbrute which I bought pre-painted. 

Its hard to tell here, but the black bit on his base is a
mostly-buried loyalist space marine helmet. 

Amusingly, next to the pink sand on the base, the
pink armor pretty much qualifies as camouflage!

Wasn't quite what to do with this pauldron...but this works I guess.

Oh well, progress is progress, no matter how meagre it is I suppose. Additionally I started base coating my 2nd Silver Drakes sergeant. I think I'll try and finish him up before tackling the Coyotes' Razorback.


  1. Subtle blends of pink and a glittery base that perfectly offsets it. This is a new side of you I have not seen before. Slaanesh will be pleased.

  2. @neverness: Well, I diverged a bit into my much neglected Battletech collection, so progress on the 40k front has since ground to a halt.

    @Monkeychuka: lol, thanks! Like my Coyotes, lately I've been trying to step outside of my usual norms of large quantities of leadbelcher, O.D. green and various shades of red/brown. That said, the aforementioned Battletech minis are well within that comfort zone (as you can see by the one I posted to FB on Sunday).
