Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Hellblaster Sergeant Insomnia

Yes, I named him at 4:30am this morning, how'd ya guess? 

Previously this marine was dutifully serving amongst the ranks of the Deathwatch. However when their new rules were released and he learned that Primaris marines wouldn't be getting any of the cool shit, he summarily took his ball and went home. He'll now serve as my Hellblaster sergeant by virtue of being the only non-easy build model in the squad. 


  1. And he looks bad-ass!
    I look forward to dragging his corpse around the battlefield from the Blooddumpster's rear bumper, it will be an honor.

  2. lol, well 16ish months from now when the stars align for us to actually get in another game we'll see about that!

  3. Let's just make an appointment for 10th ed... ;)

  4. lol! Hell, I might even have this painted by then!
