Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Going underground with Zone Mortalis...

 ...and/or Kill Team, Mordheim (this stuff SCREAMS Skaven of which I still have hordes of), Necromunda (ah yes, the good ol' sump...), Turnip28 (more on this later), and just about anything else I can think of. The pic below is from Alter3Dimensya of my first batch of terrain. 

I can totally see myself selling an army to finance the purchase of enough of these to fill up my gaming table!

There isn't a 'map' available of the starter set, so I just winged it and ordered that and 1-2 of every available piece. The above is what that all amounted to (the mini is just for scale). Interlocking like a puzzle and completely modular, I may end up ordering more before this first order even arrives!

Also, I'm going to need a lot of paint for whatever color scheme I decide to use on it. Various shades of brown? 50 Shades of grey? Or white and greys to represent something like Hoth? 

I guess we will see, regardless I already know that I NEED MOAR!!


  1. Totally different route, tech it up a bit and wah-la Hephestus II for Battletech.

  2. As generic caverns, there's really no 'tech' required.

    A battle of cave fighting Urbanmechs sounds like a hoot actually!

  3. That looks fun and different.

    ...those sound like famous last words, yes?

  4. lol, I'm sure that there is a tombstone somewhere with those words engraved on it.

  5. It's right between the one that says "Here, hold my beer" and the one that says "You wanna bet?"

  6. Interesting. D&D? I can't tell the scale tho.

  7. @Monkeychuka: It could work for D&D as well I think (not that I play that anymore). I am also thinking it'll be perfect for 15mm gaming. I believe that mini is on a 25mm base, but not sure. Am holding off on ordering anymore until I get these in and see the actual scale for myself. Not sure if I'll be able to get the newer 32mm bases in those passage ways or not.

    @Kushial: No doubt, lol.
