Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Inquisitor Hubris McClellan is complete!


Damn it's only the ninth...I may have to paint up another Inquisitor for the Conclave or something.

No, those manacles are definitely not of the fur-lined variety.

Honestly this guy painted up rather quick and easily. Whilst he's bereft of any actual markings-Inquisitorial or otherwise, the colors of his uniform and armor match no known Arbite or Enforcer unit. Not that anybody who sees this schmuck coming will be asking him for his papers... 

Umm...excuse me sir, but can I see your identifi-HERESY! **BLAM!!**

See? I told you this guy was a dick.

He appears to have been active during the 3rd War for Armageddon, as he's seen here standing atop a dust-caked door, from a (presumably destroyed) Rhino of the Celestial Lions. Knowing that this inquisitor may have had a hand in the attempted destruction of that loyalist chapter only adds to his infamy. 


  1. Nice touch on the Celestial Lions door! Since you finished so early you should paint some retinue for him. Perhaps some Death Cult Assassins? A team of Scions who itch for the opportunity to frag this guy...

  2. lol, as amusing as the latter idea is I don't foresee myself buying any 40k minis within this month.

    I think I'll stick with painting up my Ordo Machinum Inquisitor: MS-D05

  3. Yep, that door is an inspired choice! Great final results chief

  4. There might be reasons for his behaviours -

    Perhaps he has anxieties ?

    Constant niggling pain ?

    Plagued by reoccurring nightmares of atrocities he's witnessed/taken part in/instigated ?

    Is he somehow aware of the hatred some people have for him ? The contempt of his fellow inquisitors ?

    Let's hope so

  5. Well, I'm glad that the door iconography is cleared up, because when I saw the first pic I thought I was going to be the target of some humor. LOL

  6. lol, the thought occurred to me...however you lucked out in that your rhinos don't have any decals on them.

  7. I was gonna ask if either Kushial of Da Masta Cheef had a few Lions Of Harlech decals to spare, as I thought it would be cool to have a few in my Deathwatch.

  8. I have more of these, as well as the lion decals I put on his dread from hell if ya want em
