Thursday, June 30, 2022

NOCF Ukraine Raffle Warlocks


Well, these are pretty! I'm still thrilled that I actually won something (two somethings it turns out). While I no longer have any Iyanden painted Eldar minis of my own, I'm sure that these two will no doubt serve valiantly in my multi-colored Corsair horde at some future date. 

As I'm sure you've gathered, I've not done a whole lot of painting here of late. Typical summertime hobbying lull. It's daylight till almost 9pm, and usually the evening hours are the best time to be outside due to the heat. 

Despite a valiant packing job, the spear hand snapped off in shipping, though as you can see it was easily repaired.

My old Iyanden minis would have been ashamed were they ever to have stood too close to these guys.

That said, I have painted a very little, but I'll save those minis for my next post as these two simply put them to shame!

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