Thursday, October 13, 2022

Dreadtober (2nd Post)


I'm betting that somewhere on the orange box in that background it says: The cake is a lie!

This week has been the tedious process of base coating all of the OD green surfaces. Following that I added in all of the Mechanicum grey areas. While not exactly a camo pattern per se, there is enough of it to almost evoke the idea of camo, despite the lack of contrast between the two colors.

All of the weapons in close detail.

Given how much grime I tend to apply in terms of both inking and then dry brushing after the fact, I almost have to wonder why I even bother as most of this work will be obscured by the ensuing 'grime'. Oh well, it looked alright on the ol' Piranha in the end, so am figuring it will on this model as well. 

Anyways, she's progressing along alright, I suppose.

Not sure if I like this for the Rhino door on the base or not, thoughts?


  1. That rhino door seems familiar somehow...

  2. You sure? I don't think anybody's seen that army on the table since they turned to freeze rays and alien ice claws...

    1. Yeah, the whole 'icicle marines' thing sort of killed my enthusiasm for them. Their 9th edition Codex just didn't wow me like the 8th ed one did. I do hope to get them back in action eventually.

  3. Looking at the linked pics of the Piranha, the green and grey do still make for a nice effect even under the grime. Ends up being subtle, but it does break up the model from just being one block colour nicely.

    Also, from the linked post and then looking back thru a few others, damn, but you have had a hell of a rough time for the past while. :( My sympathy and condolences. <3

  4. Thank you on all counts. Yeah it’s been a bit of an emotional roller coaster, my Beloved Wolfy’s father passed unexpectedly the tail end of September, so still a bit of a rough road but we’re managing alright. Luckily hobbling is a good escape when reality sucks.
