Tuesday, May 30, 2023

My new 10th Ed 40k army?


Well, yeah sorta. 

You should get 20 Skitarii out of one boxed set!

From what I understand, Imperial Agents aside, allies are most likely going away in 10th ed 40k, which is a frightening prospect for my multitude of side projects:

The Inquisitors and haughtily find themselves above such concerns.

The Incandescent Coyotes were recently eBayed off, much to Zzzzz's dismay.

The Eldar were transferred to Neverness.

The squad of Demiur-uh, Votann will go to Rob when I next see him. 

The Iggies  are...kind of in limbo at the moment (I like them, but loathe the financial costs of expanding them). 

The Chaos marines and cultists are likely to suffer the same fate as the Coyotes. 

Lastly, the Adeptus Mechanicus has (by 9th ed point values) recently doubled in size!

This exploded view of the Dino-bot is missing it's ribcage which covers the engine in the main body. This kit looks soooo much nicer than the actual mini in my opinion.

Currently they're sitting at the 500 point mark, with a 3D printed dino-bot (Ironstrider) still in pieces as it will be a paint-as-I-assemble model due to all of the recessed nooks and crannies once it is built. I didn't mention what specifically were my purchases from Wargame Exclusive in my last post, but it was the aforementioned dino-bot, and their oh so excellent Skitarii conversion kit. 

After assembling a 2nd squad of Vanguard to go with the first, I used the conversion set to build these Rangers.

As you can see, they seamlessly fit with GW's excess parts, though head positioning angles are a bit limited without some minor trimming. 

While GW's multi-option kits make sense for them from a logistical point of view, everyone who's ever bought one of said kits ends up with a LOT of wasted plastic. Sure, we all like bitz, but I'd rather have both squads, or two separate squad boxes at a lower price point. Or, a conversion kit that lets you make both squads from one boxed set (and for about $20 less than buying two Skitarii boxes).

Aside from a pile of unused 25mm bases (from both GW & WGE), these few parts are all that was left over from the Skitarii box.


  1. Wait....you have Chaos Space Marines? I feel like I missed something...

  2. I can't beleive that the Incandescant Coyotes went with you telling me first !

    And that kit to double the output of the skitari box is the very thing that 3D printers were made for.

  3. @Neverness: You want em?

    @Zzzzz: My apologies good sir, never crossed my mind that you would want them.
    As for the conversion kit, they're resin casted. But yes 3D prints would work for this too.
