Tuesday, July 2, 2024

An Imperial Scout Disk Trooper


No one questioned his willingness to take all of those solitary, perimeter foot patrols on the forest moon of Endor...

This post with be a short but fun one! A few months ago, while still living in Tennessee, I picked up a squad of Imperial Scout troopers for Star Wars Legion. Not ones riding on speeder bikes, but rather those of the foot slogging patrol type. From this set, I've only painted one mini thus far, the Saboteur-turned-Disc Golfer. 

He's knocked more than one Ewok off of it's tree top catwalk with a well thrown disc!

My uncle is an avid disc golfer, and that is exactly what this guy looked like to me. So I smoothed off the top of his bomb to look like a frisbee, and painted it as such. Of particular note is the trooper's bag which matches my uncle's disc bag in color almost exactly. As you can see from his photo below, he's really quite pleased with it. All the more so when I said 'yes of course you can keep it!'

Of course with a basket of that size, how could he miss?


  1. This is the personification of perfection! Well done! Being a stormtrooper however, he's probably never hit the disc golf basket!

  2. lol, thanks! Also yes, you’re probably right about that.
