Friday, July 19, 2024

In the Grim Darkness of the future, there is a Joker inspired Craftworld


Hey, what's under that shelving unit over there?

While boxing up my office in preparations to move to South Carolina, I discovered a bitz baggie containing an Eldar Guardian minus his arms under some shelves. I tossed said baggie in the nearest box and promptly forgot about it until I found it a week or two later during the unpacking of my hobby stuff. 

The yellow & red lights on his catapult indicate that he's running low on ammo.

Lacking any Eldar bitz to replace his arms (or rather, not willing to wade thru the bitz box to try and find a matching pair of arms, if any), I ordered another set along with some other odds and ends to justify the shipping cost. I had to fill in the armpit joints with greenstuff, as all of the new Guardian arms are flat where they join the torso rather than a ball socket as it was on the old models.

Mold lines, yeah we got 'em!

When it came to picking a color scheme, there was really no question: Craftworld Il-Kaithe. My favorite color has always been purple, with green a close second. As you can see, Il-Kaithe's color scheme is just the opposite: green with purple trim. 

You know, like the Joker.

Though I believe the resemblance ends there (or not). A quick perusal of their fluff indicates that the Eldar of Il-Kaithe play well and often with the Dark Eldar, So like the Joker, they too are buddies with the bad guys!

Buns of steel!
(and armor of cardboard)

I found a squad of 9 guardian defenders that needed a little love, a warlock as well as some parts to effect repairs. Collectively, that all came to about half of their original retail their price on eBay (yes, I ought to have been buying Tau, but whatever). I'll see if I can make it through painting these before I lose interest in the Eldar (again). In the event that I do keep them, I would say that the likely pace of expansion up to an army would be glacial at best. 


  1. Interested to see where and how far this goes. I actually like that scheme as well!

  2. Strikes me a bit more Green Goblin than Joker but the scheme works well.

  3. @Neverness: Indeed, the average is 3-4 minis but ya never know. Its not too hard of a scheme to paint up, and they are my favorite colors.

    @Kushial: I'm not as well versed int he myriad of Batman Villains and so had to google that one. While yes, I can see more of a resemblance what's done is done.

  4. ,,, Green Goblin is a Spiderman villain, Marvel not DC

  5. No, the nerd rage choir kicks in when I say: Marvel, DC: its all the same isn't it?

  6. Next he'll be saying his Kurita Sword of Light mechs are Blood Angels ...

  7. Not even a close comparison, though I could paint one of those up just out of spite!
