Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Guardians of the storm


We're fine (so far). We still have power, internet, everything. However, Jim Cantore is in town which doesn't bode well, so there is that. Today we got about 5" of rain and tomorrow we're forecast to get about the same, and probably the day after that, and then the next day too...

Nonetheless the painting continues. 

Not the best photo, but you get the idea.

I've been batch painting Guardians since basic infantry is always a slog to paint in my opinion. These four blokes have just been inked, and are ready for the next stage where I drybrush the base colors over the inking to mitigate the heavy spots of it. Basing follows thereafter and they'll be close to done at that point. No idea when the weather will cooperate well enough for clear coating though. 

I also picked up a dirt cheap squad of Dark Reapers to accompany these guys. Those are scheduled to be delivered Tuesday, so I guess we'll see just how persistent the US Postal service is given the weather. Personally, they can wait in my opinion. Given their price, they'll likely need a little love like this squad did. 

I've also sold some unwanted minis here of late which has mitigated the cost of the Dark Reapers and my $9 dollar Warlock Farseer. I thought I was getting a warlock, but it turned out to be a Farseer, damned false eBay advertising! Conveniently, the Farseer was base coated in Il-Kaithe colors.  



  1. Well the Farseer is a better choice ultimately. Also, I agree that the foot troops are definitely a slog to paint through, especially if they have more details on them than they deserve.

  2. Well, you're not dependent upon the Texas power grid so you got that going for you at least.

  3. @Neverness: Yeah I didn't even try to paint all of the little ellipses all over their armor as Soul Stones, I mean seriously, what the hell?

    @Kushial: Yeah Texas was never even a consideration for a destination to move to!
