Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Iden Versio & Imperial Comms Officer


Happy New Year folks! 

Damned near solid black minis photograph so well...

To kick things off for 2025, I have a few minis that were painted during the tail end of 2024. First up, Iden Versio of Inferno squad and her...uh...miniature Imperial Probe Droid? I'm not familiar with her backstory to be honest, but she's a decent Imperial command model from what I can gather.

Seriously, these were some of the quickest & easiest minis to paint.

I was tempted to have her without a helmet (which would then decorate some Rebel's base), but as you can see I opted to go with the TIE fighter pilot bobblehead look. The addition of Iden will now give my Empire forces a complete hand of command cards without having to have Din Djarin side with the Empire (because we all know he is a good guy). 

The front of his helm doubles as a cheese grater. 

I may need to go back and add a few lights to that comms-pack. 

I also picked up the Imperial Comms officer in an eBay lot of Legion dice & movement/measurement tools. He is painted similar to my Mud Troopers, though clearly he has not been out wallowing in the mud quite as much as they have. 

The token group photo. 

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