Monday, March 10, 2014

Verminous mortals, GET OFF MY LAWN!!!

In a nutshell, this image fits my impression of the Necrons with their new, retconned fluff:

Well almost. I would have preferred him standing in front of an Airstream know, the metal lives and all of that

I had a Cron army some years back, but sadly don't have any photos of them. They were a solid army, and could win easily and do so without monoliths or C'tan (which were generally considered 'must haves' to win). That said, they kinda worked like a civil war styled army in terms of their infantry formations/tactcs. Needless to say I grew bored with them quickly, and sold 'em off (financing a generous portion of Christmas one year).

Despite all of the BS that Fucking Ward put into the new army (Mindshackle Scarabs anyone?), his new fluff was quite entertaining and a VAST improvement over the teenage fanfic-like crap in the GK codex (of which my copy just went the way of eBay). Likewise, while I have no intention to field any of the special characters, some of them sound like a hoot (fluffwise). Anyways, I've been pondering the Crons as a small allied contingent for my GF's Tau for awhile and bought a few for just that purpose.

Six immortals (5 painted decently) and a Triarch Praetorian (along with some bitz) to convert into a Necron Lord. Lord models are either 2nd hand metals, or finecrap. The only plastic one comes with the Command barge, and to get that one on eBay costs so much I may was well just buy the dumb barge itself. So this model (still a WIP) will work for me. Its equipped with a Res. Orb and Gauntlet of fire.

Whilst out and about last week, my GF bought me/us another box of immortals, giving me a full squad of 10 for their battlefield debut this past weekend (they did little other than camp an objective and kill a single termie). Whilst I'm content with what we now have as an allied contingent, my GF is pondering the Crons as a 2nd army. Dunno on that, but we shall see...

My first finished Immortal.


  1. Wha? No C3PO gold?! LOL, I like the green, it really works with the metal and gives it an "aged" veneer. On the other hand I'm starting to think you REALLY like that color of blue!

  2. lol, yeah it occurred to me after the fact that the color scheme closely resembled that of my Storm Wardens, but oh well. Oh, and initially the Lord had some gold, but not wanting to have any of the inevitable associations with Edwin's army were I to go that route, I changed the color scheme.

  3. I like the idea of c3po gold. Maybe people will like the necrons this time around.

  4. Don't hold your breath.... (Unless using that gold Krylon from the can, those fumes are fierce!)

  5. The C3PO gold is your army's identity Edwin, not mine/ours. Thus, no gold paint, krylon or otherwise.

  6. I wasn't saying everything has to be gold, I just liked the scheme. I am more interested to see if people like necrons in general. I want to see if people still feel the same about them in someone else hands.

  7. Considering the vitriol and hate Bob started sending my way when they made their reserve roll (for which I'm blaming on, then like Joel I'm not holding my breath either.

  8. I hate to say it, but they feel like a blue deck in magic the gathering. They play the game, they just get to pick and chose lots of things (the most annoying of which was rules) mine have collected dust for over 2 years at this point with no plan of seeing daylight soon. My biggest complaint is they took the risk reward away from them. All of the really good things in necrons have 0 risk involved really. Even reanimation protocols is just nuts. Even gauss got more dumb (which is saying something). I like the fluff, but the rules killed my favorite army in the game. It has taken me years since to find an army I like after them :/

  9. You lost me at the word "deck". LOL. Seriously, NECRONS might make for a refreshing change. I know they kick ass and are hard to kill, but I have never faced them in 6th edition

  10. lol, indeed! I've never played Magic, nor ever want to, so 'feel like a blue deck' is meaningless to me.

  11. They play their game and do anything they can to disrupt what an enemy is good at doing. You shoot? They use solar pulse and night fight greatly reduces your damage while they continue to shoot you. Have a horde unit? Here is a toughness 5,3 wound,2+/3++ single model murdering everyone. Have an elite melee unit? Mind shackle scarabs. If necrons can pick and choose their fights, they win almost hands down. Mobility would be an issue, but with the massive amount of mobility the new book gave them in vehicles and multiple deepstrikes/veil of darkness, mobility isn't an issue. It is very frustrating. That is the hatred of the necrons. The match ups aren't even that difficult to pick out
