Thursday, February 2, 2012

The desolation is killing me...


So, in an attempt to prepare for another round of fighting in the wide open nothingness of Morristown this coming weekend, I decided to remove most of my terrain in an attempt to recreate a similar battlefield at home.

It feels like I've gone back 10 years to when I first bought the game board.

Barren as the table looks there, I would have LOVED to have had even that much terrain available at the tournament two weeks ago (in Morristown's defense, they are new to hosting tournies & the guys who often bring terrain didn't show).

Anyways, I fielded the renegade IG vs. Banner Elk's Blood Angels again, and almost got tabled. That said, I did fight to the bitter & bloody end (yes all seven turns) and caused some serious casualties & concern along the way.

Pie plates were landing everywhere and as per the Guard usual, they caused the vast majority of the damage. When the enemy closed on my position, the pie plates were fired/dropped practically on top of my own positions! Indeed, the Master of ordinance practically did call in a shot on his own postion (to no avail).

At left you can see the basilisk-turned-assault gun direct firing at nearly point blank (ok, that really is point blank) range! It scattered only taking down two blood Angels and really scaring the crap out of the Manticore's crew!

Whereas at right you can see the desperate master of ordinance calling fire down on an impending dreadnought. However that shot scattered wildly off course to no effect. It seems that I still have no real defense against a drop pod dread. Despite the presence of a veteran missile team, and SIX lascannons which had orders twin-linking their shots, they STILL couldn't do anything!!! All I can assume is that the crew soiled themselves in panic once they saw what came crashing down amongst them!

While the lascannons were failing, the 31 man blob squad was taking an inordinate amount of enemy fire, and then proceeded to tie up an assault squad, sanguinary priest and a so-called 'recluse' (though there's no relation to the spider from what I understand).

Here we see the last dregs of the blob squad-tar pit, moments before fleeing the headless horrors of Sanguinius.

The 'hero of the game' however did not get photographed. That 'hero' you see is my lone Chimera which despite an ungodly amount of fire that was directed at it, was able to cross the soccer field and deposit it's cargo inside 12" of it's target unit! Statistically it should have died well short of that... It wasn't photographed as....well, you see its like this. Its an ugly, decrepit, piece of shit that I've referenced in the past in regards to 'buyer beware' issues with ebay. Though after last night's performance, I'd say it really wants some paint. And it might have gotten it too, if it weren't for those meddling kids!, rather it won't due to the surprise that arrived on my front porch yesterday! What surprise you ask? Well, I'll get to that next time, leaving you with just a preview for now...


  1. Gosh, that looks like a WHFB pitch! That is some seriously bare landscape there! "The battle for Indiana!" LOL!
    I have retrieved my 'Fenris' terrain; do you want to borrow it just in case the next tourney is equally disappointing? It takes less than 5 minutes to set up.

  2. I just don't feel like carting my own terrain with me in addition to my army. I could that with what I have (like I used to do @ HT). I'm just figuring it as part of the challenge of the tourney.

  3. I like the suspense.... Hmm, I'm guessing the surprise is whatever all of those badass Chaos Marines are standing upon. ;) I like your approach to practicing without a lot of terrain, knowing how little of it is available at the store. Morristown must be an agri-world or something.

  4. When is this tourney and how many points is it?

  5. @Madival: I presume its the same as last time: Sunday @ 1, 1500pts. @ Packards in the Morristown Mall, $5 entry.

    @Papa: Morristown is is a rather rural area...
