Monday, February 6, 2012

I had an excellent week in the world of Geekdom!


Now, as some of you may recall, about three weeks or so ago, I posted a photo of a Red Corsair that I painted up to use in a FW Tyrant's legion variation of my Traitor Imperial Guard. I had a badly painted (by my standards now) Red Corsair some years ago & kinda liked the idea of resurrecting them. Well another blogger whom (we collectively decided) shall remain nameless posted comments (since removed to maintain his anonymousness) mentioning that he had some Corsairs with no purpose to him and would I be interested in any of them? I asked for photos to see what he had & not having any he said he'd get back to me.

Two or so weeks slid by with no pictures forth coming and I figured that with in the daily grind the idea was lost. Its all good, such things happen. However the Sunday before last I received an email telling me that 'I just sent them to you & I want absolutely NOTHING in return!'

What? Huh...wait a minute you can't do that!

Actually, yes he can. Anyways, I figured it was just a squad or so, till I came home Wednesday to find a big box on my front porch! He didn't send a squad, he sent an army! An amazingly well converted army!!!! He got the army in trade in 2008 and took no credit for any of the work done to it. Whomever it was that did all of the conversion work, did an fantastic job of it! Seriously, this is professional quality work in my opinion! In all honesty, I still can't believe these minis were just given to me. The generosity of someone I know only via blog comments, posts & email can be quite stunning! Here are a few photos of the 70+ minis that I received...

Simply amazing!!!

Trust me, you will be seeing many more of these beauties here in the future!

Also, yesterday I took the renegade IG to the biweekly Morristown 40k tournament, and after defeating GK & 2 other IG armies, I won! (sorta) Due to time constraints, there really wasn't time to finish it out to see who would take 1st & 2nd, so my opponent suggested we split the prize $$$ 50/50 & the tourney win, worked just fine for me! Not having much in stock, though willing to order whatever I wanted, I just took a gift card & will have them order me something just prior to the next time I return. Also, while not an uber competitive tourney, I would like to point out to all the WAAC people on 'teh interwebz' that a gun line IG army can in fact still win tournies!


  1. Does morristown only run tournaments? They do them as often as we do regular gaming.

  2. Not sure to be honest, I'll ask Bullet (or just wait till he answers that on here).

  3. My understanding is only tournaments, but free play is fair game any time.
